Lounge - September 2021

by Ganado
OEIS sequence A277306
Would somebody mind explaining what this sequence means? https://oeis.org/A277306 I've been staring at it for a few minutes, and can't figure out what it's say...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, I crunched some of the lower powers to confirm it... (by Ganado)
by jabeh
What's exactly the use of pointers in coding?
[6 replies] Last: https://youtu.be/yGYqCiAXvrU?t=11s (by Duthomhas)
by JRManx
Weird random code colors
This is kind of random, but in my code editor– TextMate– I notice that these words all are colored differently. // Dark blue E1, e1, E12, e12; // Also d...
[6 replies] Last: Ah. Well, thanks! (by JRManx)
Finally found the source code for your mom...
I never thought it would happen. After years of datamining, after years of hard work, finally, I found the source code for your mom... #include<iostrea...
[14 replies] Last: Dang that’s crazy bro (by Grust697)
Handy Andy
Does anyone know anything about Handy Andy? I haven't seen one of his posts for quite a while...
[6 replies] Last: He used to be fairly prolific. I still remember his Use Code Tags q... (by JRManx)
Infinite Counter
Guys, I made an infinite counter. What is it useful for? Nothing. #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int numb; numb = 0; ...
[3 replies] Last: Counters that run indefinitely are used to give a monotonic timestamp ... (by helios)
Did coding make you wear glasses?
I had no vision issues ever in my life, until recently... I noticed code become less "visible" over time, the picture become blurry, so I zoomed my code editor...
[18 replies] Last: The Doctor said I should use them until I retire Was that before or a... (by helios)
Hello again... (1,2,3,4)
For reasons of 'mental health' I ended up closing my original account here, regretted it soon after. I'm trying to get in touch with the admin to get my that ac...
[66 replies] Last: @Duthomas: The closest to TCL I've probably been while creating Enviro... (by keskiverto)
TurboScreen 001
Hi guys I finally put online my humble project TurboScreen. A C++ library. Not tested but it's working (i think). You can make a screen (it's a window. I cal...
[12 replies] Last: @seeplus, haha, so true, the first thing I do is create a project, add... (by malibor)
by thmm
Happy birthday Linux (1,2,3,4,5)
It's been 30 years since Finnish graduate student Linus Torvalds drafted a brief note saying he was starting a hobby operating system. The world would never be...
[90 replies] Last: "have you seen Enemy of the State?" -me *evil laughter* (by JRManx)
Awesome Search
Well, I finally updated my old search dialog, including fixing the Google IFL problem (as Google decided in 2019 that non-Google sites shouldn't be using it, so...
[3 replies] Last: It costs Google a significant amount of money to skip search results. ... (by Duthomhas)
by thmm
Automated hiring software is mistakenly rejecting millions of viable job candidates
Automated resume-scanning software is contributing to a “broken” hiring system in the US, says a new report from Harvard Business School. Such software is ...
[15 replies] Last: Same problem? I suppose its similar. If you had a large master site ... (by jonnin)
Dangit. Gonna have to upgrade to MSVC's latest...
I've been using MSVC 19 happily for a while now, with no particular rush to play with C++20 something... Until today I tried to use a templated lambda with a p...
[9 replies] Last: That's something I never saw before. Looks awfully handy. Welcome to ... (by zapshe)
Development environment...
As I have said before, I'm taking a 'sandbox' PC back to Windows 10. I decided it would be a good opertunity to play around with the development environment ...
[13 replies] Last: Is there anything useful you can do in hex editor beyond changing some... (by jonnin)
by zapshe
How bad an idea is this?
Real life meet up. Who would want to? What would we do? Obstacles to doing so. 🗡
[13 replies] Last: If I'm going anywhere I'm not coming back. Well... Perhaps I don't m... (by zapshe)
Github Tokens
What do you guys think of git requiring the use of tokens in order to do anything from your computer? I personally use the git command line tool, and this is w...
[17 replies] Last: Personal access tokens Personal access tokens function like ordinar... (by malibor)
FiraCode font!
Heh heh heh, I just discovered this gorgeous coder's font and am using it right now! Git yer own: https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode :O)
[1 reply] : I collect fonts as if they were laundry lint.... Thanks for the link,... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Back to Windows 10...
Well time to wipe the Windows 11 preview box as it doesn't conform to requirements. It was fun while it lasted. On the plus side I get a nice clean install o...
[9 replies] Last: I keep my windows from connecting to MS by defining outbound firewall ... (by malibor)
by thmm
30 Software Engineer Skills That Employers Everywhere Want
If you’re applying for a job as a software engineer, you might wonder which associated skills will make you most attractive to future employers https://ins...
[9 replies] Last: Hi agent max Well some say one thing and some say another thing :) h... (by forgottencoder)
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