Lounge - September 2019

How long is the usual wait time for employers to respond?
I've applied to numerous companies for summer 2020 internships. Around 30 internships, but I've only heard back from a small number of them. Of these that I hav...
[4 replies] Last: internships are a little different. Consider it to be 2 weeks after t... (by jonnin)
Does anybody have proficient knowledge of Inno Setup Compiler
I know how to package an exe using Inno Setup Compiler, however, I haven't been successful in ensuring my application is cross-platform (windows, .dll checking)...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. What are you trying to do? Make sure the user has a specific requ... (by Duthomhas)
Integrated GPU question (1,2)
Hi, So, I have a decent performing laptop, but it really needs a new GPU. From my understanding, if you have 2 display adapters, one is removable right? ...
[30 replies] Last: By nice, I mean the bass is present and has more "Oomph!" than you'd e... (by zapshe)
Hackathon advice
Hi, So, I'm gonna be participating in the VolHacks this year in Knoxville. I'm going to be competing against upper level students who already know machine le...
[18 replies] Last: 36 hour free for all. Whatever it is, just has to impress and work. T... (by jjordan33)
Anyone here in contact with the admin at dreamincode.net?
Edit: Looks like it's fixed now. If so, perhaps you could tell them their site has been hacked by some iframe nonsense. TVM.
[1 reply] : Well, I’m glad it’s fixed. I don’t go there. I have never foun... (by Duthomhas)
Boolean algebra question
Hey guys so the following boolean algebra equation (A + B)(!B + C), well short story even shorter I got A*!B + A*C + B*C how I did it? obviously I just...
[17 replies] Last: No, it is part of recognizing patterns. Remember, boolean algebra is a... (by Duthomhas)
Keeping your programming epitome in mind, are you aware of the dimensions of the concave part of the usb case
Hello, Quick question, I may well attempt (I would ask another forum, however that's last resort for me, I don't like having numerous online accounts superfluou...
[6 replies] Last: ok. in that case (hah!) I have no idea... I will defer back to the o... (by jonnin)
Need some help with Speed Control
I am currently working on a mecanum wheels robot, but I'm having some trouble implementing speed control. Joystick would be used as input to move the robot in...
[7 replies] Last: that will work. but keep in mind avoiding doing computations for inpu... (by jonnin)
Letter Grade Output Text File
I am currently trying to add loop that will give me a letter grade. This is the program i currently have. However i cannot get the ;etter grade to correspond w...
[1 reply] : if (avg == 100 || avg > 90) letg = 'A'; else if (avg < 90 || avg ... (by jonnin)
by ne555
Alternative to gmail
(captcha) Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network. This page checks to see if it's really you sending the requests, and not a r...
[8 replies] Last: device A, linux with firefox or w3m, captcha device A, linux with chro... (by ne555)
Is it possible for a matrix with 3 variables and 5 equations to have exactly one solution?
Well, one of the questions for my linear algebra class is to create a matrix like this. I'm currently trying to think of one by first identifying a possible ans...
[1 reply] : The straight answer to your title question "Is it possible for a matri... (by lastchance)
What do you do when stressed?
This was originally a spam thread, but the topic might be interesting to idly chat about, so I'm hijacking it. Stress is borderline inevitable as a programmer....
[14 replies] Last: Cleaning stuff is relaxing. (by highwayman)
Unix Terminal Command ../../
Hi, Can someone help me figure out what the definition of ls ../../ is? It's the only command I haven't been able to figure out or find online. Thank you...
[10 replies] Last: Well "you" as in root may be able to change the meaning of . with a t... (by dhayden)
"Order of Study"
I’ve been actually using and learning c++ for more than a year and I’ve usually pretty easily found something too learn that was in my range, but now the st...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I definitely look at those. (by highwayman)
by anup30
Rust vs C++
is C++ losing it?
[8 replies] Last: My 2 cents: (please pardon the bump) Support for a language is not j... (by plexus)
need help with a Math problem - linear equation
Hey guys, so I'm learning geometry to help with game programming, I came across an anomaly but I'm wondering is it really an anomaly, I asked the question on...
[8 replies] Last: often overlooked is that arc and angles are a % of a circle. If the ... (by jonnin)
Riding out the hurricane, Dorian
I'm presently inland in South Florida. Dorian was headed our way, but too far out to get a fix on its course last week. A few years ago there was a big on...
[9 replies] Last: Supposedly the news stations were using the weather services for info,... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Clock watch - September
At the third stroke it will be 07:00:00 precisely, beep beep beep. Edit: Sep 3, 2019 at 7:07am Now that's what I call clock drift!
[no replies]
(opinion)Child Entertainment between the UK and the US (1,2)
Considering this is a lounge in which all but c++ related converstation is welcome, along with my c++ enquiries I would propose what I have long believed withou...
[34 replies] Last: If you stopped making a new account every few weeks, maybe you'd have ... (by zapshe)
  Archived months: [aug2019] [oct2019]

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