Lounge - September 2018

by zapshe
College Is Saddening
I'm a university student now - so I wanted to vent a bit. Incompetent and stupid professors, I honestly couldn't believe the stupidity. Apparently Christopher C...
[7 replies] Last: In the above example, at x = 0 the second statement is true, but the ... (by zapshe)
How Microsoft rewrote its C# compiler in C# and made it open source
Roslyn is the codename-that-stuck for the open-source compiler for C# and Visual Basic.NET. Here’s how it started in the deepest darkness of last decade’s ...
[1 reply] : Microsoft finally woke up to the reality it is the after-market add-on... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by d1456
c++ programme error
guys this is my programme but im recieving some errors . can someone help me please #include<iostream> void generatequestion(int op,int num1 ,int num...
[2 replies] Last: Why don't you get a book and learn modern C++ ? The C++ Programming La... (by Thomas1965)
C/C++ Challenge online - 18 questions
Hi guys, If you want to test your skills and have fun you can take part at the C/C++ Challenge on EDITx. -> https://editx.eu/it-challenge/cc-challenge-dek...
[no replies]
Hi guys, I have this piece of code which reads a file and put all its content into a string. Is there a better way to do this or is the current code I have acce...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Thomas. This link helps allot. (by tibrado)
Showing my C++ game
Hey everyone, I wanted to share with you a video footage of my FPS game which I have written in C++ and modern OpenGL. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
[5 replies] Last: Hey, thank you :) And yeah, I have 20,000 low-poly rocks being rende... (by TheFearlessHobbit)
Pixels, Percents, and ???
I’m designing something which will take a coordinate value as a percentage or as a pixel. In HTML/CSS, you must explicitly mark pixel values with “ px ”. ...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, this is user-facing. And agreed, the x conflicts with stuff in ... (by Duthomhas)
by reggie
Find unused functions in C/C++ code with coverage analysis
Hi C++ community, Unused functions in a software project can cause code bloat, but they also create more work for the developers of tests, especially in the ...
[5 replies] Last: Chained function calls (foo() used by bar()) or even circular usage (f... (by hporten)
Linux kernel
I just stumbled on this piece of code and wonder if this is common practice or just negligence. If name is NULL then it will crash. So why is there no check? ...
[8 replies] Last: You can obtain the location of a null dereference in kernel from a mem... (by helios)
Which programming languages to learn?
I want to get high paid jobs and make useful individual projects like web development and app development. So which programming languages do you suggest I sh...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=suyashsing234]I want to get high paid jobs and make useful indi... (by Cubbi)
most secure linux distro ?
For me it's important. As I've been infected ( read v i r u s ) running other Windows variants, Windows 10 does it's thing nicely thank you. This is just to...
[10 replies] Last: Well, my worries are not over, they are on-going. I have been using co... (by mycuser)
by thmm
Visual Studio live testing
This live unit testing looks great, I guess it will save a lot of time. Does anybody here use it ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJo5UOBeDfU
[4 replies] Last: This live unit testing is really awesome. I am plying around with a tr... (by Thomas1965)
How To Use std::visit With Multiple Variants
std::visit is a powerful utility that allows you to call a function over a currently active type in std::variant. It does some magic to select the proper overlo...
[no replies]
What Programming Language Skills Do Employers Want?
What programming language skills do employers want? Online job-search firm Indeed took a look at three months (18 May to 18 August) of 2018 job listings in its ...
[no replies]
How Does The Internet Work? (1,2)
Hello everyone. I've been trying understand how the internet works but the more I read, the more confused I get. I've read that today, everything is connected b...
[23 replies] Last: Some questions just aren't worth the effort in answering. (by kbw)
VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing
Most of the program can't start because it says VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Should I just download this file from https://dlldownloads.com/...
[5 replies] Last: That's a core DLL in System32 No, it isn't Windows core. Windows 10... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Forum writer tool working ?
Good morning everyone, I'm new to this forum and I would like to know why the "Preview" function doesn't work properly ? Indeed it gives me a blank area i...
[3 replies] Last: (It is because twicker has his attentions spread elsewhere and cannot ... (by Duthomhas)
Status ON/OFF - Case 1
Hey guys wondering how I can have a status display. Let’s say Case 1 I have not press 1 yet so I want it to show in console Infinite Ammo - OFF. Once the 1 ke...
[1 reply] : It's case, not Case. You want buttons, you should learn how to implem... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
API, Qt or windows.h
What do you think? Qt gives a great toolkit to make an API, and the API editor where u only put the widgets is pretty usefull. but ... isn´t better to...
[6 replies] Last: WOULD you recommend me, use tkinter on python for make GUI, more as C+... (by HealCode)
  Archived months: [aug2018] [oct2018]

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