by leander g
Company that I work for is moving to "subscription licensing", which I don't want to support. Should I quit?
[18 replies] Last: Bazinga it's back on again - Deviance v6.1.1 out now, groomers (by againtry)
by adam2016
Charles Petzold diagram confusion
[17 replies] Last: @Ganado oh nice, never knew that, exactly what I'll do @Dutch now it... (by adam2016)
by adam2016
How does a router determine internal ip address
[6 replies] Last: makes sense thanks Helios :) (by adam2016)
by adam2016
NetCat and TCP
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys that makes sense :) (by adam2016)
by leander g
Why does this website not have "https"?
[13 replies] Last: The counter and preview work when replying to an already existing thre... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by Talcott
I want to delete my archived post
[7 replies] Last: Thank you all (by Talcott)
by lastchance
Trials and tribulations of Covid-19 Data Reporting
[4 replies] Last: They used .xls files?? Sheesh!! Everyone knows you should use .dbf fi... (by dhayden)
Zero Login |
[3 replies] Last: Zerologon is significantly worse, but don't take my word for it. Using... (by Albatross)
by An Integer
Disclaimer when writing software that can be used for harm
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all for the good replies! I am now certain that it isn't a g... (by An Integer)
by zapshe
Javascript Interview!?
[19 replies] Last: f it's the type of place where they want people just to go off and co... (by Cubbi)