Lounge - November 2019

What is the difference between Scrum and Rapid Prototyping?
What is the difference between Scrum and Rapid Prototyping? Isn't scrum implicitly also applying Rapid Prototyping?
[2 replies] Last: scrum is themed off incremental development. you build the core func... (by jonnin)
if AB is odd, then a is odd or b is even? (1,2,3)
So this comes from a book I'm currently reading,the chapter is on proof by contrapositive. but that statement (if ab is odd then a is odd or b is even ) seem...
[56 replies] Last: a b ab even even even contradiction because a is even, and ab is... (by againtry)
What to expect with C++20 (1,2,3)
Good stuff. https://hackaday.com/2019/07/30/c20-is-feature-complete-heres-what-changes-are-coming/
[41 replies] Last: The Modules idea is sound, but how (and when) it is implemented by the... (by deleted account xyzzy)
How do I know which of the two testing area’s are more important is for my project?
I have no experience in testing and my colleagues also don’t have this experience. We are in conversation with two applicants who are software testers. Both...
[2 replies] Last: what else you got on the project? testing the final thing (front end) ... (by jonnin)
Programming Challenge: Nonsense Sort
AKA a Random Sort. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to create a sort algorithm that unsorts data — i.e. create a random shuffle using a sort...
[15 replies] Last: Make a new thread to ask your question. It's off-topic here. (by helios)
What is Visual Studio doing?
Often as I am in thick of a Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V cycle in Visual Studio 2017, inadvertently, I at times initiate some keybind which unwantedly causes the definitio...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you very much, @LunarLander that is the solution (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
Git add .
I want to understand what my git repository is going to add to my repository if Do `git add .` Then commit Then push I ask this question because when I look at...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the explanation, you could not have explained it better! (by jenniferruurs)
related to trigonometirc values and loops
hello, I'm very new to C++ programming and I'd really appreciate any help regarding this question.Thanks. Write a program that prints a table showing the ...
[5 replies] Last: its probably spam but what the hey... put them in beginners after thi... (by jonnin)
[1 reply] : ... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
What looks good on paper, but is un-ideal, and perhaps dangerous, when implemented (1,2,3,4,5)
Hello, forum, TL;DR: What looks good on paper, but is bad in real life I have been tasked to create a presentation on what I will, so I chose to explain thre...
[87 replies] Last: Maybe it depends on the local culture. The most common denomination he... (by helios)
by helios
About teaching/learning C++ (1,2,3)
Do you think it makes sense for newbies to learn old idioms (e.g. manual memory management, functors, for with iterators) before learning the new ones, or is it...
[47 replies] Last: The tag on myth 5 -- Myth 5: “C++ is for large, complicated, program... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Asking for opinions about The C++ Programming Language (4th edition), or changes since C++11
I have not programmed in C++ in roughly 10 years. I'm not a professional programmer but I do program in perl and VB scripts almost daily in my work. I have the...
[4 replies] Last: I only mentioned the book because it is one that isn't in my library. ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
I've lost my project files how i can extract code from exe
I was developing a Multiplayer 3d game but recently something hapeened while i was closing my pc it was autosaving and i lost all data but it stll have an exe f...
[8 replies] Last: Visual Studio can integrate git source control with projects and solut... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Git branch
I want to create a new functionality, but this new functionality may be different what other developers are developing and may damage the development of other d...
[1 reply] : I want to create a new functionality, but this new functionality may ... (by MikeyBoy)
The need for other programming languages? (1,2)
Hey guys, this sort of topic has probably been discussed countless of times but I would like to revisit it in 2019, so first off I began learning Java circa 2...
[21 replies] Last: Yeah, it's just fun to code in C++. You really feel like you're doing ... (by jjordan33)
Is is such a problem to moderate posts?
is it such a problem to stop spam by moderating user posts before publishing them of those who have below 10 post in total? Obviously spammers and jokers are...
[10 replies] Last: I have a somewhat more cynical view. A few years back someone admitted... (by TheIdeasMan)
duthomhas::utf8_console (1,2)
Something that has bothered me for a while is that *nix programs natively support UTF-8 cin,cout,etc and UTF-8 command-line arguments, but Windows programs do n...
[23 replies] Last: Uh, sorry, I found it: my source file (test.cpp) was encoded in ANSI. ... (by Enoizat)
My code for school
Impressive. You've looked through the list of forums on this site, and decided that the place that you're going to post your C++ code is... the one forum that'...
[3 replies] Last: You're a moron, Rascake. You have no business mocking anyone. All mis... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
Can I request New Feature
I request New Feature: Open a new forum on all Software/program building from a written code such as c/c++ sources That'd be all knowledge/information on how ...
[10 replies] Last: reference/tutorial sections The single admin did all that? Still com... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
  Archived months: [oct2019] [dec2019]

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