Lounge - May 2021

by eri0o
Making a codebase more welcoming
Hi, I play a very small part with occasional and small contributions to a software that exists for more than 20 years. I only started coding stuff in it relat...
[14 replies] Last: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Helios-vmg/CopperRat/master/doc/arch... (by helios)
See https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5268022/Getting-Started-with-Uplusplus-2020-2 Has anyone come across/used U++?
[12 replies] Last: I have never heard of U++ before, but I will definitely take a gander ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by helios
Let's define an "n-bounded rational" as a rational number whose numerator and denominator both have absolute values no greater than n. There exists a function n...
[12 replies] Last: I honestly do not recall how they worked. Those blasted proposals had... (by jonnin)
Blockchain and Bitcoin(under the hood) (1,2)
Hi guys, I'm watching this fascinating video about what's really happening under the hood of Bitcoin ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBC-nXj3Ng4 ). Plea...
[21 replies] Last: IMO they all suffer from scalability problems, in that the blockchain ... (by helios)
Bluettoth forum ? (1,2,3)
Is this a good forum to ask bluetooth code questions ? I am not looking for " download driver ... plug it in ...RTFM... Please simple yes no w...
[50 replies] Last: Sorry "Master," I'm a bad boy. I don't like it when idiots on the Int... (by JRManx)
What's your favorite keyboard? (1,2)
In http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/277844/ seeplus asked what people's favorite keyboard is. I like the question so I thought I'd start a thread here. ...
[28 replies] Last: @ keskiverto Thanks again. The instructions you linked worked. (by TheIdeasMan)
How to create and load custom c++ "prefabs"?
I'll try to explain my problem the best I can so please bare with me... I have a gun in my game that holds a specific shooting pattern, basically just a spre...
[8 replies] Last: Yea, it sounds fun. I want laser boolits :) (by jonnin)
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