Lounge - May 2020

How do you mark topics are read?
I remember there was a button or something to mark forum posts read. Where is it now?
[4 replies] Last: The (new!) box is a button. If you click it it disappears and the thr... (by Ganado)
CppCast: Catch2 and Std::random
Rob and Jason are joined by Martin Hořeňovský. They first discuss some ISO papers and Jason learning Rust from his cousin Jonathan. Then Martin tells them ab...
[no replies]
How To Quench My Thirst For CS Without A Compiler (1,2,3)
A week or two ago I lost access to any type of compiler and it has been driving me crazy and I don’t know what to do and I really need something does anyone h...
[50 replies] Last: WHAT. WHATTTT. WHATTTTTTTT WAITT A SECOND WHAT. IT WORKS!!!! OMG MB... (by highwayman)
CppCast: Physical Units
Rob and Jason are joined by Mateusz Pusz. They first discuss the 10.1 update of GCC and an article from Raymond Chen. Then they talk to Mateusz about his physic...
[no replies]
The Book of Devs...
“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.” ― Groucho Marx What books, not about C++, would you recommend ...
[1 reply] : I'm not much of a developer anymore (not that I ever was I guess), but... (by uplime)
challenge/ is this the longest possible declaration
below is a 2d array hj with 6 keyword/identifiers(6 if you count long twice ) is this the largest possible amount of keywords you can use in one statement? or...
[10 replies] Last: just keeps a continuous build of the statement, updating it every 3 ye... (by highwayman)
Intrinsic mathematics (1,2,3,4,5)
You may be aware that the sum of the numbers which are not divisible by 2 is a square number. It may also be in your knowledge that, the sum of the hex numbe...
[91 replies] Last: "colonel" is spelled with an L English it is spelled "lieutenant." ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
How important is math for software engineering, and does it help in problem solving?
I'm well aware that you can learn programming, data science, etc... without being good at math, but one thing I always keep hearing is that; the better you are ...
[12 replies] Last: I had a similar problem, I fought with it for a very long time. I went... (by Merch)
by nmbs
[2 replies] Last: also, details are very helpful. code is not running correctly could m... (by jonnin)
Looking at the compiler support page at cppreference: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support WTH?!? Has C++20 been officially finalized and releas...
[4 replies] Last: Any word about proposed ideas for C++2b see http://www.open-std.org/j... (by Cubbi)
by Dalski
Buy A Book Or Not?
Hi all, I'm new to C++ & am a humble enthusiast. I have a vision of a programme which I want to achieve in C++ & some minor experience in VBA. I've been worki...
[9 replies] Last: You don't need a book, but rather the contents of a book, that is only... (by malibor)
C++ Language Standard
I know when compiling new C++ code using /std:C++17 is usually preferred over /std:C++14 or earlier. There are exceptions of course. Is there any reason(s) ...
[14 replies] Last: I use /std:C++latest since it was introduced, and so far encountered 2... (by malibor)
by helios
The MoronSilencer
For some reason I can't find the last version of this script I wrote, so here's a new one: https://gist.github.com/Helios-vmg/b2b845a3eec280571e6f34869504c8cf
[6 replies] Last: nektra must be desperate (by againtry)
by zapshe
The cringiest professor in history
My CS professor, who "teaches" algorithms, time complexities, and such, is mentally handicapped to say the least. This guy is a riot, living proof you can be re...
[14 replies] Last: Just going to say it, because it's been bugging me: Almost 100% sure "... (by TwilightSpectre)
Explorer.exe taking all memory until it crashes while doing intensive I/O - Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition
Hi, I have a fresh Windows Server 2019 Installation and when using my compression tools explorer.exe gets bigger and bigger until it eats whole 64 gb ram and c...
[10 replies] Last: After realizing how unstable 2019 edition is, I have ditched the pursu... (by dominikols)
New Boost version and new libraries
A new (for me) version of Boost is available (1.73.0) and has two new libraries that look interesting. Boost.Nowide and Boost.StaticString. Any thoughts o...
[3 replies] Last: std::string 's capacity isn't set at compile time? Without checking... (by MikeyBoy)
Struggling and need help.
If anyone has some spare time and would like to do either of these to help me out I'm in a major pickle need them done in the most basic coding commands possibl...
[9 replies] Last: @goofie123 Close this thread off by green-ticking it. Use the other t... (by againtry)
Do you have knowledge on the following suggestion?
It was put forward that it is possible to apprehend a set such as {[Event/Idea/Object],[Event/Idea/Object]} while a set such as the following is not apprehens...
[13 replies] Last: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=physics+toys https://www.physicsfunshop.com/ (by againtry)
by thmm
Else Before If
Amazing what you can do with templates. https://www.fluentcpp.com/2020/04/24/else-before-if/
[13 replies] Last: There is nothing wrong with mixing your “fun” and “work” boxe... (by kyviro)
by thmm
Test Driven Development
I saw some talks on YouTube about TDD. Though it seems really helpful it probably requires a great amount self-control. Is anybody here using it either pers...
[8 replies] Last: [quote=Cubbi]TDD is a joke The best song Public Enemy never wrote? ... (by MikeyBoy)
  Archived months: [apr2020] [jun2020]

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