Lounge - June 2018

by mbozzi
Linking WG21 papers
WG21 is working group 21, the ISO C++ committee. For those looking to link to C++ standard papers here, you can use the WG21 redirect service at https://wg2...
[no replies]
Anyone here good with Taylor series? :)
Any help would be appreciated. This is Summer, and I am dying. Figuratively, of course. My answer is a little off to the one that is the supposedly correct answ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much, lastchance. I had my f^(n)(x) equation incorrect. (by fiji885)
Know everyone
[3 replies] Last: Hi this is Robert and I'm recently complete my software engineering fr... (by RobertGreene)
Template Question
So my customer asked me to make a website for his company with a design based on their letterhead taken from here https://poweredtemplate.com/brochure-templates...
[2 replies] Last: I recommended you that if you wants to covert your printed documents t... (by RobertGreene)
by vmde
In which areas do you think developers need more backing?
We're running the 15th edition of our Developer Economics survey and we invite you to let the world know what you think matters now and what you're doing next. ...
[no replies]
sdk using tutorial
I'm a beginner who know the basics of c++ like classes,pointer,..etc now I'm trying to use an sdk called blackmagic desktop video sdk. so is there any tutoria...
[no replies]
tpb would be 10x better at suicide than he is at coding.
[deleted because it no longer applies] If a moderator is present, please delete this topic as its creator has gone AWOL.
[6 replies] Last: I thought he would be Chinese because of how he wrote and communicated... (by fiji885)
Diablo Source Code
Even if, like me, you'll never actually read the whole thing; stuff like this is still worth a glance or two between projects: http://nichegamer.com/2018/06...
[4 replies] Last: Good stuff. Reminds me of a guy named cvet that recreated Fallout 2's ... (by Ganado)
by uplime
I'm very curious what you think hacking is and what it has to do with blocking people.
[6 replies] Last: Taking his ramblings at face value he would be considered megalomaniac... (by tpb)
General programmer age? (1,2)
I am doing somewhat of a statistic, because I am curious how many people code at what age. Obviously I am not going to ask for your age because you might want t...
[30 replies] Last: I started programming in high school, when I was about 14 or 15, and k... (by uplime)
Microsoft to acquire Github
https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2018/06/04/microsoft-github-empowering-developers/ This is a blog post from 4 June, yet today was the first I saw any of thi...
[4 replies] Last: To be honest I was already migrating from github to gitlab, especially... (by uplime)
Downloading Windows 7 impossible?
Hi guys, so apart of my college labs is we need to test malware on windows 7,we need windows 7 set up in a virtual machine,but there is one major problem, ...
[1 reply] : https://www.heidoc.net/joomla/technology-science/microsoft/67-microsof... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Where do Applications Store Their Resource Files on Linux Based Systems?
Let's say I'm using CMake with a simple executable program that takes a string from a file (a resource), and prints it out. The file might be referenced using a...
[no replies]
Any Math Based Program Ideas?
I was looking for a small project to do, and I want to do it with something related to Math. (I've only been up to pre-calculus, so nothing too advanced). Do yo...
[6 replies] Last: Hi. Hope I am not too late to introduce some ideas. Perhaps you can d... (by fiji885)
The Absurdly Underestimated Dangers of CSV Injection
[11 replies] Last: When I thought you were talking about a vaccination.. (by zapshe)
by dilver
RC4 encryption password
suppose the password used in the RC4 encryption of a plaintext is an English word of 6 letters that we do not know or forget . Is it possible to recover it if ...
[no replies]
by zapshe
Career in Programming?
Hi, I was going to put this in "Jobs" but it looked like it might have been meant for something else. Anyway, I'm just about to attend university and want to ...
[4 replies] Last: There's no 1:1 correspondence between academic computer science and pr... (by Lehti)
undergrad advice
How is this curriculum for undergraduate course in computer science and engineering? just asking http://www.jiit.ac.in/sites/default/files/BTechCSE_2015_RevSep...
[1 reply] : Will be different for each college/university. It looks similar to oth... (by zapshe)
Https Version of the Site
It's been down awhile I think? Should probably work on getting that back up.
[no replies]
Abusing the Preprocessor
I came across a git repo in which a person did something interesting with some preprocessor defines. Rather than using it to define constants, they used it to a...
[4 replies] Last: I think libuv also uses macros to hide the private data members from p... (by LB)
  Archived months: [may2018] [jul2018]

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