Lounge - July 2019

Which programming languages use British-English?
That's actually an interesting question. I don't know of many programming languages that aren't in American English, and none in British English. Sorry! That s...
[no replies]
by Ang
Password Locket (1,2,3,4)
Hello cplusplus community, My company ShanKoDev has recently developed a small but highly effective app called Password Locket. If anyone has ever forgotten...
[62 replies] Last: Fair enough. What a weird choice, to use gzip code, when zlib has code... (by helios)
Codechef - don't waste your time?
So, yet another CC problem has been trashed by the OP, and what replies remain are disjoint and meaningless without context. Is it even worth bothering with ...
[16 replies] Last: The questions are round-about and vague, math oriented, and usually mu... (by zapshe)
by zapshe
Pro-life Or Pro-choice? (1,2,3,4)
I've been getting into some heated debates on this. Curious to see what you guys think. I myself am pro-choice. Let's not kill each other here, but some poin...
[69 replies] Last: When you are the source of all objective truth Yes, that's exactly wh... (by helios)
Unit-test code coverage analysis in CLion
Hi Everyone! Sometime ago I have experienced the joy of using unit tests and the benefits it brings. I was quite surprised to find that CLion IDE still doesn...
[no replies]
Help, please! (1,2)
So far me have procrastinated my way to mid University, don't let me ruin my streak of un-suspected progress. If this assignment is not submitted I may be exclu...
[20 replies] Last: May Rascake rest in peace. Amen. (by zapshe)
Animate merely with the power of thought
Hello, forum, as the technology which harnesses the power of the human mind exponentially advances, the potential it possesses simply cannot go unquestioned, a...
[no replies]
OtakuSenpai's Discord Channel
If anyone is interested there is a casual discord channel that I would like to invite anyone to: https://discord.gg/dMcBSJ9
[3 replies] Last: I know Discord is for gaming. I don't know who OtakuSpenpai is. Hence,... (by talos)
What a well written car chase
XX ノ
[12 replies] Last: Library probably EDIT: if it’s there (by highwayman)
One may say they make them die sooner
Should this post be where you invest slight time I implore you to ignore the rhyme take this as an ordinary question (of your opinion) it is merely poetic due t...
[no replies]
When my cat wants more attention than I'm offering... (1,2,3)
I'm coding, focused, busy. My tabby is in my lap, clawing at my shirt and gnawing at my arm. I'm still focused, debugging, tracing, thinking. So, to g...
[46 replies] Last: There is a difference in temperament between male and female cats, neu... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Meta classes and their perceived uselessness
From what I’ve heard, they(honestly don’t ask who XD) have been saying that in c++20 meta classes will be introduced, and from what I understand all a meta ...
[2 replies] Last: No I have not. That is actually exactly what I was looking for, thank ... (by highwayman)
Weird javascript problem
I have some javascript function calls in my product descriptions content. Now whenever I go to edit the products I always see the following text inserted arou...
[1 reply] : So your original "html" (javascript in a script tag?) was a single fun... (by dutch)
Professors Behaving Badly?
These last few weeks have had two notable examples of staff misconduct at the University level. And I have been pretty unyielding in advocating for the students...
[10 replies] Last: You know what would be great? If a site had an unsatisfied out of stu... (by highwayman)
Has anyone played with Windows Subsystem for Linux?
Having finally gotten my system running with Windows 10 64-bit I’m a pretty happy camper. I like Fedora, and was going to simply reinstall a Fedora VM (wit...
[6 replies] Last: I will probably install as per the link keskiverto shared, just to p... (by Duthomhas)
Substitute for C++ for AAA video gaming?
As far as I know, C++ is the lingua franca of AAA gaming. While most AAA games are made through game engines, these game engines are made using C++. No other la...
[15 replies] Last: Maybe D. But things don't have widespread adoption. I'd love for D t... (by talos)
The Enlarging Square. (1,2)
Hello forum, In order to get Square to size "X" it can be enlarged like so: Square->setScale(10); but theoretically, can I not take this approach? (allo...
[27 replies] Last: It's almost like making them learn visual basic.net is delaying there ... (by closed account DLw0Djzh)
rant about microsoft
if this is the place where I can talk about some pet peeve, you see I have this brand new laptop windows 10 with all the bells and whistles. le novo is runnin...
[10 replies] Last: praise the sun (by Ganado)
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