Lounge - January 2020

by zapshe
More Assembly :(
Sorry for all the assembly! I already hate coding in it. When I go to divide, it gives me some out of this world answers. This works: mov ax, 11 mov bl, 37 d...
[8 replies] Last: For the sake of completeness and for those who will look at the cplusp... (by eugenedakin)
by zapshe
Assembly Question
Hope there's someone here who knows enough to help, haven't been understanding this. I have two number variables and an answer variable (where I store the answ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the info guys! This professor just breezes through the mate... (by zapshe)
by HJ3475
Bit management with bool
Hi!! I have written this code, but I'm not sure that it's right because my program cannot compile, I don't know why. If someone could prove it and tell me if it...
[2 replies] Last: @HJ3475, do NOT edit your post and remove your code. Now no one can h... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Opinions wanted - Vim or Nano (1,2)
I just installed MSYS2, following the instructions here: https://solarianprogrammer.com/2019/11/05/install-gcc-windows/ Primarily I downloaded it to updat...
[31 replies] Last: where to find help on commands and things in the terminals! google. ... (by jonnin)
You being a programmer, what does penmanship mean to you (1,2,3,4,5,6)
Hello, Upon realising my desperate need for improvement in my penmanship, it occurred to, me although I personally don't intend to become a full-time program...
[115 replies] Last: Your purpose in life, if any, is not to satisfy me. Why would it? Why ... (by againtry)
Why does this IDENTICAL real-time copy of the forum exist?
Hello, This is NOT a joke, I repeat this is NOT a joke. This may be a glitch on the part of my computer, but if not. Should action be taken? This is the link t...
[6 replies] Last: There's actually more than one duplicate of this website. I found them... (by zapshe)
code review vs unit test
Ideally you want to do both, but if you had to decide would you do code review or unit test and why?
[7 replies] Last: would you do code review or unit test and why? Whichever one is more... (by dhayden)
by volang
General - Partial request and maintaining connection
I’ve setup a partial response for a partial request. When a big file is requested I’m returning e.g > 100000 bytes back each time. This forces the browser...
[1 reply] : When a big file is requested I’m returning e.g > 100000 bytes back ... (by kbw)
It it worth backing up before getting a laptop screen repaired (1,2,3)
Even if you're entrusting your device with a certified, highly trusted service, would you back up your laptop before repairing it's cracked screen? Is there a ...
[54 replies] Last: In saying that you inexplicitly admit the damage done is irreversible.... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
  Archived months: [dec2019] [feb2020]

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