Lounge - February 2020

by zapshe
Why Assembly Sucks (1,2)
Assembly, my old friend. The kind of friend you shoot in the back when he turns around, and you know it's for the best. The logic with coding in assembly isn...
[22 replies] Last: Not in the traditional sense, no. (by Niccolo)
Static Analysis in Theory and in Practice
There are many ways that can assist in improvement the program’s quality. In this article, we invite you to consider one of them – static code analysis: htt...
[no replies]
download "index.html"?
My google-fu is not good enough to get an answer about this: What is it? I think it has something to do with advertisements, but that is just an impress...
[10 replies] Last: Alas, no. This is one of those things that annoy me infrequently, and... (by Duthomhas)
Large Scale C++
Rob and Jason are joined by author John Lakos. They first talk about a funny C++ themed freestyle rap video commissioned by Victor Zverovich and a C++20 referen...
[1 reply] : You can see why nobody bothers with this crap. Over 4 mins into the po... (by againtry)
by Manga
wxWidgets or GTK+
I was curious if anyone has used both wxWidgets and gtkmm and if you have a preference...
[3 replies] Last: FLTK is a good idea in principle but absolute rubbish in practice, if ... (by againtry)
by zapshe
Raspberry Pi (1,2)
Anyone have a Raspberry Pi? You guys use it for anything? They seem really cool and versatile - but I wouldn't know what I'd even do with one! So I'm hoping so ...
[23 replies] Last: Adding physical interfaces to your projects is fun & quite easy to get... (by Norm Gunderson)
  Archived months: [jan2020] [mar2020]

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