Lounge - December 2019

Avoid this book at all costs. [Data structures and algorithms in C++) David Mount
Data structures and algorithms by Robert Tamassia, David Mount and Michael T Goodrich so I'm quite the novice and that statement is well established on here, I...
[12 replies] Last: interesting way to do it. trying to think.. I had it all one class at... (by jonnin)
by H00G0
Hey guys, Just taking a minute here to wish you a happy Christmas and a happy upcoming new year. Best wishes to you all <3
[3 replies] Last: Haha Ganado, probably many more bugs and debugging headaches but I'm s... (by H00G0)
Cought between programming and my mind
Here I want to write something about my mental disorder and how this doesn't hinder me from being engaging in my hobby, programming. When I was a young guy, ...
[8 replies] Last: Or tl;dr: prove to me I'm senile. That's why I said conventions. The... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
by zapshe
Good place to learn assembly? (1,2)
I'm going to be wrecking myself with a horrid math class, assembly, and a data algorithm course (along with a few courses). Was hoping for a link or such that s...
[29 replies] Last: Have you had that annoying math class/section on convergence and dive... (by zapshe)
Play Sound vs Fmod
Hi i was trying to make a video game. Do you may ask why you are using c++ not a game engine. Beacuse i don't want enter licensing things and i think free eng...
[2 replies] Last: You can try the cocos engine's audio engine. It has two, Experimenta... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
Faulty Keyboard
Hi guys , every now and then and now again ( almost constantly ) , some of my keys on my keyboard don't seem to work the keys in question are ". , / < > ; ...
[6 replies] Last: If you're on Windows, AutoHotkey is some free software (GPLv2) that co... (by mbozzi)
Building a console based FTP server and client
Hey guys, so I have been programming for about 3 years properly now, I've dabbled with game programming I made some very simple games like GUI tic tac toe, g...
[2 replies] Last: You could read the revant RFCs ... This is a good place to start. htt... (by kbw)
by helios
Make this iterative: typedef std::function<int()> N; int A(int k, const N &x1, const N &x2, const N &x3, const N &x4, const N &x5){ if (k <= 0) ...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, but I basically cheated. I never would've figured it out myself. ... (by dutch)
by Dee5
Hello guys,I'm trying to count how many items that cost more than 50 but I don't know what's wrong with my code. Help please! #include <map> #include <al...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys (by Dee5)
related to loops
Hello, I'm new to this language...And I'm given these two assignments … though I have tried many times, I can't do it. Please help as soon as possible! 1...
[7 replies] Last: can you please send me the link for the beginner's section? http://... (by againtry)
how are libraries written.
Hey guys, so I've always wondered this, how are libraries and frameworks such as SDL,FLTK,OPENGL,QT,SFML etc... written? obviously they have to be writ...
[7 replies] Last: You also mentioned SFML. SFML and similar libraries such cocos2d-x are... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
Random blather 2019 December
I’m playing with APNG files and just realized that the Wikipedia PNG page was a little off in the very first sentence — so I fixed it: PNG is pronounced ...
[9 replies] Last: ... and then there is the hashtag in Twitter (by againtry)
Separating newbies & posers from experienced programmers
This thread shows a question posed by a hiring company. It asks whether the candidate recognizes code to compute GCD. Some people thought any real programmer ...
[16 replies] Last: Hm, I see. I'll just do the computational area in advanced then. The m... (by closed account E8A4Nwbp)
Induction [math question]
Hi guys just wondering if I can get a little help with a math question, lets say we know that 4n - 1 = n(2n + 1) first we need to solve for the base case : th...
[6 replies] Last: I don't blame you. The person who made the video is an idiot. (by helios)
How do you learn other C++ libraries?
I would like to hear your way and mindset about approaches or tools to learn various C++ libraries. surely not everybody learns the same way (I'll share mine la...
[7 replies] Last: my flow chart tends to be - find a free library (if none, evaluate wh... (by jonnin)
C++20 Modules and Microsoft
The wording about modules in this MS blog post seems a bit odd: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/cppblog/cpp-modules-in-visual-studio-2017/ The Visual C++ ...
[no replies]
is C really more low level than C++
So I've been learning how to program on and off for about 3 years now, I first started with Java, I then changed to C++ as my overall goal was to learn how c...
[8 replies] Last: C and C++ are virtually identical in their ability to do low level cod... (by jonnin)
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