Lounge - August 2021

Your Code as a Crime Scene
The full title of this programming book made me laugh: Your Code as a Crime Scene: Use Forensic Techniques to Arrest Defects, Bottlenecks, and Bad Design in ...
[16 replies] Last: Budding supper models. (by helios)
Forgotten Coder WIN32 nirvana (1,2)
Hi guys I have reached nirvana. For this newbie at least is nirvana. I finish a small library in C++ for creating a screen and put some pixels in there. It's...
[20 replies] Last: Hi helios Never tested the SM_CXMAXTRACK parameter (screen width) of ... (by forgottencoder)
.clang-tidy contents...
So I'm playing around with clang-tidy in Visual Studio 2019. I'm just wondering what a good set of rules should/would be. I currently have this: Checks: ...
[no replies]
by mbozzi
The Algorithm - The Amazing Story of the FISR (Fast Integer Square Root)
If you prefer text, this article has a neat derivation and everything: http://h14s.p5r.org/2012/09/0x5f3759df.html The author claims that the function did not ...
[11 replies] Last: I kinda wish I didn't know how easy it is, but I do. I don't bother a... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Forgotten Coder craziest idea (1,2,3)
Hi I forgot it. Got you. How about building a graphics library for c++ ? Don't kill me just yet ... I know there tons of graphic libraries for c++ so wh...
[48 replies] Last: Hi guys Finally i have a name for library. I call it TURBOSCREEN. ... (by forgottencoder)
[Math question] Why do 3 non collinear points lie in a plane? (1,2)
Hi guys, so as the title says and in terms of geometry of course, why do 3 non collinear points lie in a distinct plane? I mean why can't these 3 points lie in...
[34 replies] Last: Correct. I said that poorly ... the pictures they draw to explain how... (by jonnin)
Different library version depending on compiler -- why?
There is a library for helping with things like opening a window, rendering to it, playing audio and handling events, called SDL2. Their download page has tw...
[11 replies] Last: Why driving in Hunday is different from driving in Mercedess? They are... (by malibor)
Share your coding music
Hey, surely you listen to something that at least makes you chill while coding if not drawing your attention to youtube at least a little ;) https://www.yout...
[14 replies] Last: Another good find (depends on personal taste) https://www.youtube.com... (by malibor)
by JRManx
Articles? (1,2,3)
I just tried to post an article, and it says it's "submitted for review." https://www.cplusplus.com/articles/LTbq5Di1/ It's been "submitted for review" fo...
[47 replies] Last: If memory serves, I was a bit more rude about it than I should have be... (by JRManx)
Hi everyone New guy in forum. Read beginners forum posting rules. I have 2 questions. ------ taken from beginners forum rules ------------------------...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=jonnin]And, unrelated, but looking up boob on the internet for ... (by JRManx)
by JRManx
So long...
The people are much more helpful than the tutorials, although those are useful if you're only using C++11. I learned C++98 (self-taught), so I use the referenc...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=Furry Guy]cppreference is more up-to-date, but it is a lot more... (by JRManx)
Learn C++ website redesign
Whoa! The Learn C++ site to have been massively rethemed and redesigned. Certainly looks cleaner, though I did like the old design as well. Probably a lo...
[3 replies] Last: Maybe if I see him in person. I'll be on the lookout for cats. (by zapshe)
by ne555
For anyone bored enough to make a recommendation
a computer in the kitchen https://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/Coffee/
[3 replies] Last: Oh, come on. Here's a friend: https://youtu.be/ub82Xb1C8os (by Duthomhas)
What can I do in c++?
Hello everyone. I've been learning c++ recently and I really want to do something more with this language but I have a problem that I just have no idea what ca...
[10 replies] Last: a lot of it wasn't anywhere near as efficient or capable as it is no... (by seeplus)
WSL2 + VcXsrv == Mind Blown!
I'm still playing with Godot and trying to get a custom Android export for my game 1 ... and have discovered that while I can technically compile stuff with ...
[1 reply] : did I hear that Windows 11 will run Android Apps out of the box? Not... (by zapshe)
by JRManx
How fast can you type the alphabet?
I was looking through a bunch of archived Lounge topics from 2010, and I found this one, which I thought was kind of interesting. I pasted the code into TextMat...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=malibor]The faster I type the more I have to press backspace :)... (by JRManx)
by zapshe
I'm sighing 😩
http://lelouchsvoice.ddns.net/ I created a stupid little website a long time ago and just recently published it. The main point was to get familiar with Angu...
[2 replies] Last: That sounds dreadful xD And yea, I can never be fully qualified, but a... (by zapshe)
selinux wireshark
Just wondering if anyone knows how to configure selinux to allow wireshark. It seems one must set labels for all the wireshark related files, but I am not sure ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Sorry for the super late reply, and thanks for your reply @keskiv... (by TheIdeasMan)
Linux voip phone software
Hi Just wondering if anyone is using voip software on Linux that they have had success with? I have already tried LinPhone, but it doesn't seem to like callin...
[no replies]
by jonnin
welcome! make sure whatever books you use are at least written since 2018. The language changes regularly: we just got a 2020 update but I am not sure how many...
[4 replies] Last: I had bookmarked C++ Stories https://www.cppstories.com/ Also http... (by seeplus)
  Archived months: [jul2021] [sep2021]

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