Lounge - August 2018

Windows 95 is now an app you can download and install on macOS, Windows, and Linux
Windows 95 is the operating system that’s now used as a yardstick for what’s possible on modern devices and platforms. We’ve seen Microsoft’s popular OS...
[11 replies] Last: QEMU looks interesting, I could give that a shot. vSpehere and Virtual... (by Computergeek01)
C++ Jokes (new) (1,2)
Please post your jokes about C++ here!
[28 replies] Last: A new fun forum, well hello world! (by closed account 367kGNh0)
by stav
Does this ever happen to anyone else?
- Decide to learn a pretty specific new technology - Go on youtube to see if someone has made a video about it - Against all odds 1 video shows up - The tit...
[1 reply] : No, because videos are a terrible medium for tutorials anyway. (by helios)
Course to build complete application
This free video course shows how to build a complete application(Tournament Tracker) from start to finish in C#. It is a 25-hour course that will allow you to f...
[1 reply] : I'm a big fan of https://github.com/danistefanovic/build-your-own-x an... (by uplime)
Windows Containers and Docker
I have never heard of this concept before, having self-taught myself C++/Win32 programming. And still learning. At a quick glance it seems to be a Microsoft...
[2 replies] Last: When this is highlighted in the Visual Studio 2017 developer's news fe... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Server Side & Client Side Languages
Hello everyone. I'm struggling to understand how server side language and client side language communicate to display information/data. When the processing occu...
[7 replies] Last: @Computergeek01 - Thank you! (by RCPP)
by zapshe
I tried out JavaScript (1,2)
Hi, guys. I got a small time job - they needed me to work with Javascript (which I haven't coded in before). Some of it looked similar to C++, but I couldn't re...
[20 replies] Last: Well, I don't want to give too much detail. All I'll say is that it wa... (by helios)
by reggie
Finding and editing dead code with Coco
Hi, As part of the coverage report, Coco generates a list of lines with dead code. One would often like to remove these lines, but when they are spread over ...
[no replies]
Continue with C++ or move to Java?
Hello all, I have a question (and I realize this might not be the best forum to ask it). I have very limited (VERY limited) coding experience. I have taken o...
[4 replies] Last: A good point to start in Java seems to be https://mooc.fi/en/ If you a... (by Thomas1965)
How to make a site like cplusplus.com?
The title says it all.
[5 replies] Last: Hmm... I have to agree. (by Duthomhas)
I like to learn French and I am looking for someone to practice it with!
Hello, My Name is Leon, I'm 33 and I come from US. I'm looking for a Partner for e-mail or FB communication in French. My Hobbies are classical music, gettin...
[no replies]
by Manga
A space force! (1,2)
Just saw on the news that Pres. Donald Trump wants to make a new branch of military called space force, as in outer space. Really? My inner geek just did a danc...
[20 replies] Last: Did you create a new account to just say that? Face it bro, you got sp... (by Uk Marine)
A short and amusing tale of tech support...
I guess it is true that the dumber you are, the smarter you think you are. V: V joined M: Where did my website go? https: Connection refused. http: Disp...
[2 replies] Last: LOL, looks like it, doesn't it? I have no idea. My pages use html incl... (by Duthomhas)
C++17 in Detail
This book describes all significant changes in the language and the Standard Library. What's more, it provides a lot of practical examples so you can quickly ap...
[3 replies] Last: A quick guide to a couple of useful C++17 features: https://www.oreill... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by tas0sa
Multichannel Mixing
Hello, I'm trying to help a friend of mine with a audio project. My audio-knowledge ist pretty limited so I'm here to ask some questions :) Project: We h...
[3 replies] Last: 7-channel audio is not made up of 7 different sounds, it's a single so... (by helios)
Need a software developer
Greetings to all! Steel facility company faced issues managing orders timelines, departments responsibilities, inventory and materials accounting. Used several ...
[1 reply] : This should really be moved to the Jobs forum. (by MikeyBoy)
by axtyax
Should/How would I get started freelancing?
I'm a high school senior in NYC, and I've been programming (mostly in C++) for several years. I like the idea of doing freelance work in C++ to make some mo...
[4 replies] Last: Hey axtyax I was going through your conversation and felt like making... (by samsingh5)
by lic14
How can I improve my C++ Langauange
How can I better improve my programming skills?
[5 replies] Last: I Personally find reading books and articles a good way to expand my e... (by Uk Marine)
What do you guys think about python?
I heard C++ and Java was the biggest high level programming language. Python is just newer. I was wondering in the future like 30-50 years, do I need to lea...
[7 replies] Last: I'm not any kind of python programmer, but it does make some things ve... (by Repeater)
42 tips on C++
Probably most suitable for advanced beginners but not for experts https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0391/#ID0ESLIM
[1 reply] : Interesting article, but IMO still a bit tainted because it is an adve... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
August 2018 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [jul2018] [sep2018]

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