Lounge - April 2019

by helios
Improper report?
Did someone report the thread about that dialogs library? If so, I don't think that was appropriate. I was about to make a comment about how it would be better ...
[9 replies] Last: if someone with a very high post count (I don't know the threshold) ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Flow Charts
I recently used a flow chart to design a slightly complex algorithm. That's the first time that I've used a flow chart as a coding aid, and I found that having ...
[5 replies] Last: I've used UML in the past, to document design, although quite informal... (by MikeyBoy)
Backup plan
I want to be an indie game dev, I have a lot of great ideas, great passion, I know quite a bit about what a good game need, and I have the asperation I need to ...
[7 replies] Last: I don't use any frame works. I am still learning the basics of c++, i ... (by Grand Master stickshift)
Python Removing Letters from File Names
I am trying to create a function that removes the first letters from all file names in a directory using python. The number of characters it will remove will de...
[2 replies] Last: Oops forgot the code box xD sorry about that (by a223689)
Article Creation
Hello guys, I was programming a min heap that works in a complexity of O(n) instead of the regular O(n log n). Then, I was thinking about making a simple articl...
[3 replies] Last: Go ahead and do it! My suspicion is that the reason there's been no a... (by TwilightSpectre)
what to learn how to make a game? here is some advice
The original post was some what mis-leading and I didn't use the right words to describe the message I was trying to get out, so a few people become annoyed and...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=Grey Wolf]We are all moderators Some people are more eager to ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Strangely compelling visualisations of sorting...
50+ Sorts, Visualized - Scatter Plot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSMCZZGbZo4
[2 replies] Last: Heh, you have no idea. There are zillions of sorting algorithms. The... (by Duthomhas)
Simple phrase by phrase story
I simply would simply would like to try one of those word/phrase story games, last time I've done one of these must've been years, and they were fun in my opini...
[6 replies] Last: which were poisoned (by closed account 1vf9z8AR)
very large text file
I need .txt files with English data in it(ascii 256 characters only). About 100mb to 1 gb with good data or at least random words. Its for testing a compr...
[7 replies] Last: About 100mb to 1 gb with good data or at least random words. 100 MB?... (by MikeStgt)
Do you bypass the objectification. Is it normal. (1,2)
The harsh reality of this world is unrecoverable and merely depressing. Though we draw attention to it, we only acknowledge the error in that which is inhumane ...
[32 replies] Last: Yep, business goes like that. Feed the people what they want to suit o... (by zapshe)
by Satan
How old are you? (1,2,3)
Just curious!
[47 replies] Last: child labour is a ...or are you all grown up again, it's getting har... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
Hello everyone
Hello everyone, I'm new here, and in the world of programming, I have many expectations of this forum, a friend recommended it to me
[4 replies] Last: hello everyone, I'm new here too, you see that is a very active forum,... (by toalejan)
weakness in WEP theory
Hi guys, I'm doing a college project on the weaknesses/flaws in wireless protocols like WEP and WPA/WPA2 I understand how an attacker gets the plain text of ...
[1 reply] : how does the the attacker actually crack the key The link you poste... (by dhayden)
by helios
X vs C++
I'm moving this discussion here to avoid derailing a different thread. Context: [quote=MikeyBoy][Git is] very powerful, but not very intuitive. (Much lik...
[1 reply] : [quote=Rascake]In Lua hello world is literally ONE LINE. Are there ma... (by keskiverto)
where to upload finished products (1,2)
I am working on a little game right now, its just in VS and plays on the text window you get when you run the program in VS. I was wondering if there was any wa...
[20 replies] Last: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/252209/ (by helios)
by helios
<Flamebaity title> (1,2,3)
<Ignorant and/or narrow-minded opinion>
[52 replies] Last: <It's Friday, Friday> <Gotta get down on Friday> <Everybody's lookin' ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Have you witnessed Anti-intellectualism? (1,2)
Have you ever seen anything anti-intellectual? It sounds interesting to see people not want people to question things, where have you seen it? What was it like?...
[31 replies] Last: Everyone in my family lived all-natural lifestyles, and only most of... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
Packets and Networking
Hey guys, I'm just brushing up on my networking knowledge, So the OSI has 7 layers,I read that at each layer headers will be encapsulated to the PDU, but when...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, that's correct. (by helios)
App making software
Anyone know of some free c++ supporting software that can be used to make apps. Not like games but like Twitter or Facebook. Something like that. Something I ca...
[3 replies] Last: Get Xcode or VS, a server and a library, You... have done a bit of res... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
What library does adobe use
It was revealed adobe uses c++ to make their iconic softwares like Photoshop and Animate CC. But what c++ library do they use, I can't seem to find it
[5 replies] Last: look into GIMP or Krita I use gimp, just interested is all... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
April 2019 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [mar2019] [may2019]

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