I'm currently on the fence about upgrading to Windows 11.
It's been popping up on my laptop's notifications for a while now, but I'm still unsure about whether I should go ahead and upgrade, stay on windows 10 or switch to Linux.
So I'm curious to what you guys have to say about Windows 11.
AFAIK, for most of us Windows 11 is not a big improvement over Windows 10. If you are comfortable with Windows 10, consider staying with it for a while; give Windows 11 some time to mature.
Stay on Windows 10. No real benefit to going to Windows 11 right now. Windows 10 still has 5 (?) or so years before they discontinue support for it. Also, I prefer the style of Windows 10 over 11.
People have said the Windows 10 search is slow and its fast on 11, but my search is nearly instant.. After disabling Cortana and searching for online results that is.
Definitely switch to Linux if you want to gauge your eyes out.
Without having tried XI, I will give instead points to consider:
- M$ has a track record of just about every other OS being a flop all the way up to at least windows 7. The paranoid guy in me thinks we are due for a junker.
- M$ also has a long track record of letting stuff out that is totally untested garbage and they need 1-2 service packs to get it to where it should have been on day 1, stable and half decent.
- nothing requires 11 yet.
- there are some grumblings in the stands about various software not working right on it, driver issues, and so on. This is all 3rd+ hand info, and its not (yet) been enough voices to say its more than the usual glitches on first few days.. but...
So, all that to say, if you want to load it up and give it a test drive, go ahead. There are lots of reasons not to do that if you rely on your machine for your job or lifestyle, but if you have an old PC around or a way to dual boot it or just want to, ... it probably mostly works for most software and most day to day tasks.
The requirements to run Win 11, without evidence the requirements are worth the expense of buying a new computer, makes keeping Win 10 for as long as it is supported a good bet.
Win 10 is a major improvement over Win 8/8.1, but it was still buggy on initial release.
From the standpoint of user experience Win 11 hasn't been all that big a change, the hype of running faster, etc, is just that. Over-blown hype based in part on quite hefty minimum requirements
I remember when Win 10 was touted as being the last Win OS incarnation, any improvements would be via service fixes and the like. MS was going to monetize the MS Store.
The 3 PCs currently running Win 10 aren't performance titans, but they suffice for my needs.
I will wait until the inevitable bugs, security holes, and other "how did we miss that?" issues are at least papered over before I consider buying a newer PC or 3 that can support Win 11.
On my home machine the Windows 11 operating system blue screened.When I tried to reboot my computer told me, no bootable device found. I installed another operating system because I didn't wish to do the research necessary to fix this problem.
I only expect my operating system to launch applications, becoming unusable was a major fail. I suspect that my problem was that I was running an older refurbished laptop that could not handle the resource requirements of a windows operating system.