Well, I finally updated my old search dialog, including fixing the Google IFL problem (as Google decided in 2019 that non-Google sites shouldn't be using it, so while it still has a Google-themed clover on it, it is actually using DuckDuckGo...).
Nice job!
I have never understood the panties in a wad thing over something that is free. Their search page has no ads. Their tool is free to use. Using it, even from a 3rd party site, still gets the ad-spam top 10 results followed by the real results, and they still get paid if you click the ad-bait results. Why worry if someone used it? Make them put a powered-by logo on or something.
It costs Google a significant amount of money to skip search results.
Hence, they have a pretty good reason to hate it when other people use it.
Anyway, the code turns out to actually be pretty simple. The dialog is designed to "pop up" over my usual pages (when you press the Esc key), which makes the extra code on that page necessary in order to chop out the show/hide functionality and make tabs work correctly...
The dialog itself is just images and some CSS to position things correctly. Feel free to yank and modify it for your own purposes.
(I have it set as my default browser + new tab page.)
Also, I just answered a Q on SO where I kind of gave someone else backhanded props for making I/O faster in his answer. He bashed C++ to do it and answered in C with a lot of code that only took three lines to do in C++ for the same speed improvement...