Happy birthday Linux

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You're probably running it whether you want to or not.
Ah yes, the spyware built into every Intel chip (and equivalently for AMD? iirc). :/
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Ah yes, the spyware built into every Intel chip

The recent iterations of Windows like to "phone home" as well. One of the reasons why I am not all so eager to get Win 11 even if the guts of my PCs were able to handle the hog.

Win 10 is easy enough to get it to hang up and shut up.
AMD has its equivalent of the Management Engine.
Ganado wrote:
Ah yes, the spyware built into every Intel chip

Crap. Please tell me that's not true...

I recently watched Enemy of the State for the first time, and I'm now paranoid that the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, and the BBA are watching everything I do.
Crap. Please tell me that's not true...


I'm now paranoid that the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, and the BBA are watching everything I do.
We are...sorry THEY are.
The thing about surveillance is that the more you can do it, the more information you'll generate that no one will be able to look at. So, let the three-letter agencies have their fun. I feel a bit of pity for the poor naive idiots they convince to join.

I'm much more concerned that stuff like the ME are gaping security holes waiting to be poked open.
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Grey Wolf wrote:

Damn! Is that even legal???
Why wouldn't it be?
"lol what are you doing to do about it." -NSA
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"have you seen Enemy of the State?" -me

*evil laughter*
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