Those jokes about Windows updates do have legitimate origins, you know. |
Windows updates take about 2 minutes on average for me. Some have been as quick as 30 seconds (reboot included). I recall once it took about 5 minutes for a rather large update.
The main reason Windows updates tend to be slow are those pesky Hard Drives! MacOS usually felt superior to people for a long time since Macs come standard with SSDs (it keeps their product feeling premium), while Windows users could cheap out with a hard drive.
Windows updates have not been an issue for me since my last laptop, over 3 years ago. SSD and Windows 10 is a great combination - powerful CPU doesn't hurt, but not even necessary.
If PC's were as expensive as Macs, no one would buy them. Show me the better specs. More storage? Pfft. I have eight terabytes of space on my NAS. Performance? I just mentioned my G5 compared to the Dells we use at work. Gaming? Ok, for the people who only want to play video games on their computers, PC's are fine. Macs are for people who actually want to do stuff. |
What??? I can't believe the arguments I'm reading right now!
PCs ARE as expensive as Macs - on the mid to high end specs. My last laptop cost about $1400 after fully upgrading it. The specs were:
GTX 1060 6GB
1.25TB Storage
4K Screen
JBL Speakers w/ Subwoofer
Windows Hello Infrared Camera (Really Fast Login!)
RBG and anti-ghosting keyboard
My sister bought a similarly priced Mac, her specs?
An i5 that was several years older than the current generation at the time she bought it (don't remember the exact i5)
No dedicated GPU
256GB Storage
White backlit keyboard
Nice screen
Good speakers
Nice Trackpad
Her speakers were on par with mine, her trackpad was larger, her screen went about 100nits brighter than mine.
Sure, using her laptop was smooth, it didn't suffer from the old i5. But my laptop was just as smooth! My specs completely annihilated hers at the same price point!
You can watch this video comparing an 11,000 Mac and 11,000 PC - AFTER upgrading the Mac! And the Mac still performs sub-par compared to the PC!:
And personally, I never recommend Dell. I've only had issues with them. I've been going Lenovo for years now and their computers are really good. Also, you can compare low-end computers all day, but if you have ANY Mac tower/laptop, you WILL find a higher spec Windows version at the same price or lower. The laptop I'm using right now HAS NO Apple-laptop equivalent. There just isn't.
There's so much to say, I could write a book. No upgradable storage or RAM, servicing a Mac requires specialized people, etc..... Macs would be better than PCs if Venus crashed into Earth. It simply doesn't happen.
LMAOOO! I found this Mac laptop:
For almost $6000 !!!! And it has lower specs than my current sub-2000 dollar laptop! I have no words for this find.