PLEASE learn to use code tags, they make reading and commenting on source code MUCH easier. HINT: you can edit your post and add code tags. Some formatting & indentation would not hurt either |
jonnin wrote: |
And, unrelated, but looking up boob on the internet for you was at least "interesting and informative". Moreso than 'how do linked lists work" anyway. |
Rules & Regulations for posting on C++ forums 1: Try your best to solve your problem on your own before posting; no one appreciates people dumping their homework assignments without even trying to do them first. 2: Explain your problem or assignment very clearly (or just post the assignment itself). 3: Post whatever code you have already written, so we can see that you've actually made some effort on it, as well as any compiler errors, warnings, etc that you are having trouble with. This is linked to 1 above. 4: When you post your code, use code tags: It makes your code easier to read, along with proper indenting (just copy and paste your code directly from your IDE to preserve formatting). |