WSL2 + VcXsrv == Mind Blown!

I'm still playing with Godot and trying to get a custom Android export for my game1 ... and have discovered that while I can technically compile stuff with MSVC on Windows 10 and (wonky) Android Studio 3.3 setup that something fails very badly and immediately crashes on my test phone (a cheap-as-it-gets-but-works-just-fine Galaxy J3 V — amdv7). After a lot of hair-pulling I realized it is the generated Android export executable and not my game code, so...

Since Android Studio and tools are huge and I'm living off a phone/USB tether to access the internet (off in my little dirt-n-cactus view of NM out in the middle of nowhere2), I grabbed my wife's laptop (with her permission, of course) and enabled Hyper-V and installed Linux Mint and...

It wouldn't run (after running it from .iso to install, go figure) because the laptop is woefully underpowered in the RAM department.

Bear with me, ma story's jus gitt'n started...

So I sat myself down at my own mid-2000's PC3 and, behold, I could totally Hyper-V with it too! —If I wanted to, that is.

But then I thought: if WSL is so great, why can't I just run an X server and do stuff with that? And, apparently, I can.

So I did. :O)

And it's amaaaaazing.

No more "seamless desktop" stuff that isn't all that seamless. I'm actually running friggin' Linux (Ubuntu 20) natively in Windows with Gnome GUI applications as if it were all the same OS!

And... it was easy to set up! Like, really, really easy. Sure, it took a little bit of reading on the internet to get it right, and I'm sure it isn't perfect (supposedly there are still some applications that won't GUI correctly with VcXsrv), but this is truly amazing.

For me, at least, VMs are now relegated to the dual-boot bucket — unnecessary for all but the most specialized of tasks.

M I N D   B L O W N .

1 Which will hopefully enter beta soon — so if any of you lot wanna be in on that be sure to either PM me or post interest here.

2 Beautiful big sky, though. Totally worth a visit, at least.

3 It was a buff system back then. Not so buff now, but it can Hyper-V, so, nyah!

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did I hear that Windows 11 will run Android Apps out of the box?

Not really like that. It seems it'll be run through an Amazon store thing. Will have to see when its released.

And yess! I was WSL to run assembly and other stuff for my classes which they said would require a VM. It was pretty easy to use all semester and was 1000% easier and more convenient than a virtual machine.
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