HUMBLE BOOK BUNDLE: Learn You More Code by No Starch Press

closed account (z05DSL3A)
Just thought I'd post this here. I have no involvement with the companies involved...I just like No Starch Press books.

Books in the bundle:
📕 Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
📕 Python Playground: Geeky Projects for the Curious Programmer
📕 Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems
📕 Learn Java the Easy Way: A Hands-On Introduction to Programming
📕 The Secret Life of Programs: Understand Computers ⁠– Craft Better Code
📕 C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction
📕 The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)
📕 Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability with Star Wars, LEGO, and Rubber Ducks
📕 The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
📕 Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter
📕 Write Great Code, Volume 1: Understanding the Machine
📕 Write Great Code, Volume 2: Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level
📕 Write Great Code, Volume 3: Engineering Software
📕 PowerShell for Sysadmins: Workflow Automation Made Easy
📕 Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming

20 days left at time of posting


Humble Bundle wrote:
"We've teamed up with No Starch Press for our newest bundle! Get ebooks like PowerShell for SysAdmins, Effective C, The Rust Programming Language, and The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition and bring a new level of brilliance to your programming practices! Plus, your purchase helps support Girls Who Code & The No Starch Press Foundation!"

NB: Whoever reported're an idiot.
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Well, the Terms Of Service says:
Terms_Of_Service wrote:
as well as you will not use these services or the data provided through them for unauthorized solicitation or advertising.

So, they figured well, you are "advertising" the services of this book company, and that's against the site's policy. Thus the report.

But I agree...whoever reported this is a party-pooper. These books are excellent resources, I took a look and they seem pretty good.

But please realize this is against the site's policy, and so some nitpicker decided they needed to report it.

Have a good day!
closed account (z05DSL3A)
agent max wrote:
But please realize this is against the site's policy, and so some nitpicker decided they needed to report it.

In the past I had the opportunity to talk with twicker about what he sees as advertising, it was around the time reporting system was being developed. This is about the same as making a book recommendation and a link to where it can be purchased. The person who reported it probably jump to a conclusion without thinking or reasoning.

...but it's an interesting bundle of books for the aspiring developer (i.e. it is relevant to this forum) and you can help out a charity* if you wish.

* The charities for this bundle
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Reporting a regular contributor here, like you Grey, is as consequential as someone farting downwind in a typhoon. Especially if it is the first post. I don't see the usual red "reported" button then.

Now, about the book bundle. I already "own" a couple of the books. Snagged them for free from another library site that used to have eBooks available from the authors/publishers.

The rest of the books aren't really useful to me, per se*. Being Linux-based or Java, etc.

But I do thank you to posting the link. I am sure someone wanting reference eBooks could benefit, as well as the foundations doing the bundle.

*I have some excess funds that I might consider buying the bundles anyway. Helping charities isn't a bad bit of ego-booing karma.
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Who is twicker? Admin?

But yes, I am planning to get at least the Effective C book...if it goes above and beyond linked lists, which is where my current textbook ends.
Think Like A Programmer is based upon C++11 - but it's a good read.

closed account (z05DSL3A)
agent max wrote:
Who is twicker? Admin?


and wrote:
But yes, I am planning to get at least the Effective C book...if it goes above and beyond linked lists, which is where my current textbook ends.

A quick grab from the book that might help...
What’s in This Book
This book starts with an introductory chapter that covers just enough material
to get you programming right from the start. After this, we circle back
and examine the basic building blocks of the language. The book culminates
with two chapters that will show you how to compose real-world systems from
these basic building blocks and how to debug, test, and analyze the code
you’ve written. The chapters are as follows:
Chapter 1: Getting Started with C You’ll write a simple C program to
become familiar with using the main function. You’ll also look at a few
options for editors and compilers.
Chapter 2: Objects, Functions, and Types This chapter explores
basics like declaring variables and functions. You’ll also look into the
principles of using basic types.
Chapter 3: Arithmetic Types You’ll learn about the two kinds of
arithmetic data types: integers and floating-point types.
Chapter 4: Expressions and Operators You’ll learn about operators
and how to write simple expressions to perform operations on various
object types.
Chapter 5: Control Flow You’ll learn how to control the order in
which individual statements are evaluated. We’ll start by going over
expression statements and compound statements that define the work
to be performed. We’ll then cover three kinds of statements that determine
which code blocks are executed, and in what order: selection,
iteration, and jump statements.
Chapter 6: Dynamically Allocated Memory You’ll learn about dynamically
allocated memory, which is allocated from the heap at runtime.
Dynamically allocated memory is useful when the exact storage requirements
for a program are unknown before runtime.
Chapter 7: Character and Strings You’ll learn about the various character
sets, including ASCII and Unicode, that can be used to compose
strings. You’ll learn how strings are represented and manipulated using
the legacy functions from the C Standard Library, the bounds-checking
interfaces, and POSIX and Windows APIs.
Chapter 8: Input/Output This chapter will teach you how to perform
input/output (I/O) operations to read data from, or write data to, terminals
and filesystems. I/O involves all the ways information enters or
exits a program, without which your programs would be useless. We’ll
cover techniques that make use of C Standard streams and POSIX file
Chapter 9: Preprocessor You’ll learn how to use the preprocessor to
include files, define object- and function-like macros, and conditionally
include code based on implementation-specific features.
Chapter 10: Program Structure You’ll learn how to structure your
program into multiple translation units consisting of both source and
include files. You’ll also learn how to link multiple object files together
to create libraries and executable files.
Chapter 11: Debugging, Testing, and Analysis This chapter describes
tools and techniques for producing correct programs, including compiletime
and runtime assertions, debugging, testing, static analysis, and
dynamic analysis. The chapter also discusses which compiler flags are
recommended for use in different phases of the software development
You’re about to embark on a journey from which you will emerge a
newly minted but professional C developer.

The way Humble Bundle works is you'll get the whole bundle for what you want to pay (there is a minimum but it is quite a low price).
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