Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. If it isn't point me in the right direction please and I'll be sure to edit my post! Thanks!..
I've been really into with video game programming. Right now I'm using this really cool library called raylib. It works with OpenGL. So, I found this other program for generating particle effects called Effekseer:
So what I read is that you can add its runetime or something like that to your project and play the animations you created with it inside your own game code. I'm not sure on how to do that or what all of that really means I'm just kind of guessing honestly. So if anyone can point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Maybe some articles or anything I can learn stuff from. Thanks a lot!
No, I believe this really belongs in the Lounge. Some of these guys can get really touchy about this, so I'd urge you to delete it and repost in the Lounge.