Possible Error in C++ Tututorial

I am wondering if the following, from the Constants page of the C++ language tutorial might be an error:

R"(string with \backslash)"
R"&%$(string with \backslash)&%$"

Both strings above are equivalent to "string with \\backslash". The R prefix
can be combined with any other prefixes, such as u, L or u8.

Should, in the lines directly above, "string with \\backslash" read "string with \backslash" ?
Should, in the lines directly above, "string with \\backslash" read "string with \backslash" ?

No. I see how it could be confusing in context, but the C++ expression "string with \\backslash" is a C++ expression, not prose. It's a string literal, but not a raw string literal.

For example, "\\" has the type char const[2] and the value { '\\', '\0' }, but R"(\\)" has the type char const[3] and the value { '\\', '\\', '\0' }.
however, clang and gcc don't admit '$' as part of the prefix delimiter
error: invalid character '$' in raw string delimiter

(can't find documentation on what else is invalid)
@ne555, there's a GCC bug report that '$' and '@' are not allowed as delimiters in a raw string (2015):

That is probably not the entire list of invalid characters.

Visual Studio 2019 also vomits on '$' and '@' as raw string literal delimiters.
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@PeteDD, various compilers probably allowed '$' and '@' when the tutorial was originally written.

Outdated, it is. And very unlikely to be updated.

Raw string literal delimiters are also limited to being less than 16 characters.

Personally I'd use the delimiters of the first example.

A raw string literal is not the same as a string literal in C++.

String literal "string with \\backslash" is the same as raw string literal R"(string with \blackslash)".

#include <iostream>

int main()
   std::cout << R"(string with \backslash)" << '\n';
   std::cout << "string with \\backslash" << '\n';
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