“Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.”
― Groucho Marx
What books, not about C++, would you recommend to someone starting out learning C++ and software development?
And going a bit further, what areas (IoT, embedded systems, cryptography, SDR, etc.) are you interested in and are there books* that you would recommend (beginner, intermediate, etc.)?
*other resources welcome
I'm not much of a developer anymore (not that I ever was I guess), but I've done a strange combination of tech support, network administration, quality assurance, and user acceptance testing. Some of the books I've found helpful were:
* The Bash guide http://folk.ntnu.no/geirha/bashguide.pdf (arguably the best resource for learning Bash shell scripting)
* The Devops Handbook
* The Phoenix Project
* The Mythical Man Month
* UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook (not really helpful for software development at all, but still a good resource IMO)
* Modern Compiler Implementation in ML. I didn't understand a word of it but it seemed like it was pretty good