below is a 2d array hj with 6 keyword/identifiers(6 if you count long twice ) is this the largest possible amount of keywords you can use in one statement? or can you try and create a longer one, obviously the code has to compile it can't just be random keywords thrown together.
Just repeat cv qualifiers forever int const const const ... const const const x;
Or declare an N-level pointer int *** ... *** px;
Or inline constexpr auto f = []{ /* arbitrary code */ };
1 2 3 4
int [[whatever]] [[hopefully attributes are acceptable here]]
[[whoever added attributes in the grammar didnt do a consistent job]]
[[so I am not sure whether or not they are actually acceptable in this position]]
[[although I believe they are intended to be acceptable nearly anywhere]] x;
Or char const* forever_decl = R"eos(<insert Tolstoy's War and Peace>)eos";
template <
class = decltype(
void(char{}), char16_t{}, char32_t{}, (shortsignedint){},
(unsignedlong){}, float{}, (longdouble){},
(constvolatilebool){(true, false)}),
typename = decltype(
void(::operatornew(alignof(enum std::align_val_t) + sizeof(int)))),
typename = decltype(*static_cast<bool*>(nullptr) and_eq (1 and 2 bitand 3),
*static_cast<bool*>(nullptr) or_eq (1 or 2 bitor 3),
*static_cast<bool*>(nullptr) xor_eq (1 xor 2),
*static_cast<bool*>(nullptr) not_eq (not 1)),
auto = compl -1u
? throw 0
: dynamic_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<int>(const_cast<int>(15)))>
alignas(decltype(nullptr)) constexprinlinestaticint x() noexcept = delete;
/* Keywords missing:
asm break case catch
continue default do else
explicit extern for friend
goto if mutable namespace
private protected public static_assert
struct switch this thread_local
try typedef typeid typename
union using virtual while
The replaceable allocation functions in <new> are implicitly declared, so I can reference ::operator new and enum std::align_val_t without including any headers.