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Can't figure this stack/deque assignment out!!

Hi, I'm new to posting on here and was hoping I could get some help from someone...

My professor gave us this assignment that involves stacks and deques, the following is this:

"Develop your own custom C++ Stack class which satisfies the following requirements:

Uses a std::deque of type double under the hood to store the data
Implements the following member functions:
Default constructor
Copy constructor OR copy assignment operator
bool empty()
void pop()
void push(double value)
int size()
void swap(Stack & rhs)
double top()

Develop a main() function which tests out the class you created above"

I'm really unsure of how to implement a class to create a stack, this is what I have so far:

#include "Header.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
Stack* s = new Stack(0.0);
delete s;

return 0;
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Stack {

Stack(double); //constructor
~Stack(); //destructor
void push(double x); //pushes in element
void pop(); //pops out element
bool isEmpty() const &; //tests if empty
int size();

double top;
double* stackArray;
int stackSize;

#include "Stack.h"

Stack::Stack(double) {
//initialize to be empty
top = NULL;


if (top == NULL) {
cout << "There is nothing here yet." << endl;
else {
//deconstructor to delete all of the dynamic variables
cout << "deleting..." << endl;


void Stack::push(double x) {


void Stack::pop()


bool Stack::isEmpty() const &
if (stackSize == 0)
return true;
else {
return false;


int Stack::size()
return stackSize;

Sincerest apologies if this isn't the right place to post this, as I said I've never posted here until now
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> Sincerest apologies if this isn't the right place to post this

And please use code tags when posting code.

> Uses a std::deque of type double under the hood to store the data
Do you know what one of these is?
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