1. Denial and reaction to something new, especially for callow youth, is normal and vital. It is akin to skepticism as a foundational part of the scientific method. |
So you're an old man, thanks.
3. Never accept words as absolutely true without questioning them. |
Alright Socrates.
5. Running away is intellectual cowardice but admitting defeat is honorable. |
Thanks ever NFL player ever.
8. Selfishly, I get nothing out of you kow-towing to the greatness you unilaterally bestow on me. |
So sarcasm doesn't get you off?
Againtry, there's great misunderstanding with my position. I'm saying proofs are overly pretentious and have standards that don't matter except for in some rare cases. In most cases, the level of mathematical proof is too formal to make sense to use it. Why is the GCD of a prime P, and another number A, 1 if P doesn't divide A? Why do you need a whole mathematical proof for this?
On my test, there was a question about proving that a line and a circle don't meet. They clearly never touch when graphed. However, to do the proof, you needed to calculate the equation of the circle, do some magic, and prove that the two equations don't share common common ground on the graph - because showing a graph where they don't touch wouldn't prove anything, would it? What's the point of a mathematical proof in this case other than to be completely retarded when the answer is so plainly obvious? Again, I'm sure there are rare cases where it may not be as obvious to someone whether or not they intersect, and they don't have a graphing calculator on hand (*SHRUG*), and then maybe it'll help them out. But at the same time, there are other ways to figure it out.
So we're assuming that knowledge of mathematics is inherent to intelligence? |
Yes? Unless you think there's some other standard.
the point of proving that is not to prove that, but to train you to prove more difficult conjectures |
Sure, but even more difficult things can be proven without a formal mathematical proof.
If you don't want to accept those terms you're free to go find a class that will accomodate you, or just study by yourself. |
Since when has this been true?
If there are instances where they have an umbrella and it's not raining outside then not all the premises are true. |
My bad, slightly misphrased:
If it's raining outside, then you have an umbrella.
You have an umbrella.
Therefore it must be raining outside.
And this is valid yet incorrect since you may also take an umbrella when it's sunny outside. The fact that you can have an umbrella under other circumstances doesn't invalidate the other premises.
You are misunderstanding what proofs are for and you clearly don't understand what it means for a syllogism to be valid and true. |
Arguing this shows a complete lack of understanding what my position is here. I've never argued against the validity of proofs or what their point is. I argue that you don't need the extent that a mathematical proof makes you go through in order to achieve the same proven scenario. In the end, a mathematical proof won't be less fallible just because they took a harder route.
That's never been a requirement. |
That's what I was saying with a proof being valid yet incorrect.
Found a funny invalid proof:
1. If an omniscient being would believe P, then P is true.
2. An omniscient being would believe that an omniscient being exists.
3. Therefore, an omniscient being exists.