Not entirely. I didn't mean it in the sense that the given paragraph was the hardly near my limits. I meant it in the sense that it was as casual I could bare making it, prior to any sense of regret for delivering such a un-sophisticated paragraph.
There is no reason to use 'scrutinization' over 'scrutiny', at least in that context, if ever.
It's not substantive.
You're implored to tend to other constructive matters. The initial statement was merely a token of my appreciation.
There is not a single term in the ponder I would suspect to be beyond your vocabulary.
Just because I know all the words you used doesn't mean I won't think you're a pretentious tool for using them. Keep It Simple, Stupid. Maybe then you won't make such gaffs as "scrutinisation".
I believe this is why the term "ponderation" exists. I did further research. In my tangible dictionary as well as the oxford online, this word seems to be absent if i'm not mistaken, but it is defined here as
the act of weighing something mentally; consideration
Keep It Simple, Simpleton.
Should a laconic or monosyllabic manner of response be appropriate, such a manner will be used. Otherwise one would be inclined to become somewhat, for the benefit of vocabulary, sophisticated. The more I incorporate a newly acquired word into my exchange of words, the greater it will be instilled. A gradual inculcation
one would be inclined to become somewhat, for the benefit of vocabulary, sophisticated. The more I incorporate a newly acquired word into my exchange of words, the greater it will be instilled. A gradual inculcation
A more grandiloquent affectation of pretentious pomposity and turgidity from a dulbert & witling will be nigh inconceivable to ever be encountered. All fustian, pure Amish Vehicle Exhaust.
Rascake/Astra, you are only revealing yourself to be a buffoon (and worse) with all your highfalutin and purposely mangled molestation of the language.
You come across as if a thesaurus exploded in your face; you furiously grasping at all the fluttering scraps. Unmindfully slapdash pasting them together into an overwrought tome of incoherent flummery from hastily snatched fragments.
You routinely regurgitate the most ridiculous malaprops.
Terrible, we're ending the year with nothing but hate. But it is still lovely we're all here. It's like a neighbourhood of familiar faces.
It's not hurting anyone. I am obliged to use rather obsolete english, I which I have strengthened using these fora. If I chose you speak in a more concise manner, I will struggle as an EFL.
EDIT: Your efforts to ironically structure your response in a loquacious style was not futile, rather I deeply appreciate the arcane vocabulary, thank you ever so much.
No lying going on at all. I did suggest a potential method of reconcilement. Perhaps if you considered it things could currently be going all the more peaceful.
In saying that you inexplicitly admit the damage done is irreversible. And it is, certainly. However, I sometimes it's idyllic, and the fruits from the less pathetic moments, such as the "Ideas which look good on paper" thread, tend to be most valuable.
Actually, it's incredible seeing the lack of conflict between us in page One of THIS THREAD. My english went wrong it came to this