What would you say when someone omits a very relevant detail in favour of a much less relevant one? Deception?
Sign the person is not absolutely devoid emotion, at times. It indicates perhaps they aren't completely desensitised I believe.
Two speakers.
A: "The man's life was brought to an end in his own bedroom"
B: "The man was shot dead in his bedroom"
I would feel safer in A's company.
If I receive a letter from U.N. Owen, where A and B we're also invited, I wouldn't eventually become hostile towards A.
But I welcome your opinion, @dutch . I'm not insinuating that people such as yourself are devoid empathy.
That's Alleged declaration of superiority, hardly a suprise, you disapprove of those who learn without books, labelled them Sun-Readers, Additionally gratuitous usage of the like. Not that you care, which may allude to you being, as you said, vapid, in the sense of apathetic, terrifying. All our opinions are meaningless, also. The universe isn't concerned, nor is the inferior like.
The fact that you keep coming back and babbling like a retard proves you are fucked in the head. And finding me "terrifying" is symptomatic of psychosis. You are stupid. Pointless. Useless. A piece of human garbage.
But what lie? It's all unvarnished. Absolutely un-elucidated.
Why isn't this as simple as posting a contract we can "sign"? You don't seem to want to aid am initiative for the resolution to what's bothering you. It's milk spillage untimely response
Well, to the admin's credit, he recently did remove a troublesome spammer in the unix section (after many reports), but indeed it's a very delayed response.
An absent Admin and no moderators doesn't help much either.
GANADO wrote:
/*praise followed by*/ it's a very delayed response.
It's merely one flaw in the site. We always complain, can't we appreciate that this website is still functional? Roughly a decade of membership here may have resulted in one beginning to take the site's extensive capabilities for granted.
What action would you take if you un-knowingly drank a poisoned drink, where only after you've fully gulped it down you realise you will be lying immobile on the ground. Would you succumb calmly or attempt to take a life down with you? What I am trying to see if people naturally feel inclined to take a life with them, whether vindictively or not, when they realise that their life will come to an end imminently.
Have been thinking about the scenario quite a bit. It's hard to define the following feeling:
Suppose last week, "Pete", "Emile" and "Chase" drove into a ditch, and in doing so inadvertently destroyed a vital speed limit road sign. Next week "Emile" happened to be walking the same route and due to the absense sign "they" chose not to re-erect, is killed by a vehicle oblivious to the speed limit. That is a untimely happening. "Pete" and "Chase" are left, and merely desire a peaceful life, with nothing to do with the road sign. Not long after "Chase" is deeply perturbed out of guilt, prepares a laced drink, writes a confession, then "Pete" happens to enter the house of "Chase", is furious to see a confession, and gulps the wine, then is told it was a horrible decision.
What is "Pete" thinking. He didn't want anything to do with the road sign, and is now going to die due to it. How do you define the desire to simply have nothing to do with it. Defining something mutual. Would you be more concerned with the fact you have been sent to your death? Would you be grieved by how avoidable your action was/the fact you consumed something crafted to kill? Or would you be unhappy you've truly joined the aftermath of your action?
such questions remind me of political surveys. The right answer is never offered, or the confines of the question lead to a response for a survey data point that may not be correct opinion of the person, but due to the convoluted question, they were led to answer in an odd way.
I would think if you are rational as you die, you would have an almost binary question to resolve ... was this done to me, and can I take them with me? If you were forced, tricked, etc into taking it you may be inclined to take the enemy with you. If you are just an idiot that grabs random things and chugs them, you may instead reflect on how big a moron you are for your final moments. In this scenario, its #2, but who does that -- its not a sensible scenario.