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  • How do I know which of the two testing a

How do I know which of the two testing area’s are more important is for my project?

I have no experience in testing and my colleagues also don’t have this experience.
We are in conversation with two applicants who are software testers. Both indicate that they are not full stack testers.
One is specialized in front-end testing.
The other specialized in back-end testing.

My boss allows only to have one working at our university.
How do I know which of the two testing area’s are more important is for my project?
(Of course both are important)
The back-end is all the stuff that makes a website/software work behind the scenes. Without the back-end, nothing matters. The front-end is what makes it look nice and can give it some extra functionality/features. Without the front-end, nothing looks good or is even properly accessible.

Both are pieces of the puzzle, and you won't have a finished product without both.
what else you got on the project?
testing the final thing (front end) can be done by the users in a beta test, and that is often easy at a university: you can give it to some grad students or professors or even friends and ask them to run it for an hour or two looking for stuff that isn't working. If you have a budget, you can even offer a bug-bounty, like $5 per bug (first time) and increasing the amount as the bugs are mostly cleaned out.
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