Hello, Quick question, I may well attempt (I would ask another forum, however that's last resort for me, I don't like having numerous online accounts superfluously)
The following image is of an uncased USB, and a test case printed from a lazer cutter
The issue is this part:
Do you know it's actual dimensions?
you can surely get it.
do you have this thing in hand, that you can measure it?
Can you look up online a schematic?
Your pictures are bad, but if you had better pictures, you could do a pixel to pixel measure. Remember that PIXELS ARE NOT SQUARE. They are rectangles! That said you KNOW the dimension of a usb connector, that is a given and can be gotten online somewhere if you need it. Then you can ratio that and count pixels and do the math to get what you want. If the image is at an angle, you have to do some trig and hand waving, but if you can find a pic of the same thing at a 90 degree angle, you can get it easier with just ratios.
If you have it in hand but lack tools to measure it well enough, you can take better pictures and do the above. You can also try different drill bits or something against it and figure it out, maybe.
finally, it looks like those cutouts match the U shaped thingy, so you can maybe measure that instead, it may be easier.
just to give you an idea of what you can do if you spend the time, I once took 2 known things (the length of one part of an item and the whole item's weight) and computed how much force it was hit with. It took 3 days of analysis of frames from the video, but I was not off by much (later testing verified my initial numbers). Its a big pain in the backside to do this stuff, but videos have a ton of info, as do images... if you can get it out.
I would have suspected that, if it didn't come uncased. We obtained a set of many uncased USBs online, sorry for not specifying, we printed that case, it didn't come with it