Google Stadia and C++ developers

closed account (4w0o1hU5)
You may be aware of google Stadia, what google presents as a "revolution in gaming", partially based on it's "instant game preview" feature. You may be aware, he who makes a c++ based ".exe" game, cannot simply run the application on the web without code alteration, like how Javascript Applications can. Does this therefore mean those who make a google-stadia previewable game as a c++ .exe, may be required to take further action to the code, in comparison to he who merely creates a c++ game for PCs?
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too new for me to know, but I would assume that google provides a library/api/calls that handles the web interface part for you for the most part. They want you to use their stuff, so they would not make it a royal pain to do so.
JavaScript as used on the Web works like this: when you load a web page the site tells your browser that certain JS scripts are used. The browser has the option to request them (just like how it requests images and so on). If the page in particular is a game, this is equivalent to downloading the game code.

On the other hand, Stadia is a game streaming service, meaning no game data (including code, assets, and save files) is ever sent to the client. Instead, the service streams the video/audio data to the client, while the client sends input data (controllers, VR headsets, or whatever). This would be like browsing the web "by proxy" (as in vicariously, not referring to a web proxy), where the browser instance is in a remote computer, while your computer is only running a video player displaying a video capture of that other computer's screen.

In other words, it doesn't matter how the game was coded. In principle, a game streaming service like Stadia could provide any game as long as it's runnable somewhere.
closed account (4w0o1hU5)
Thank you for the explanation, @helios you have helped greatly. The world is beginning to make all terrain vehicles, i hope well-efficient, well-portable code soon becomes available. Multiplatform is so very a headache-arrousing element of software distribution
That sounds similar to what Steam can do:

Able to have multiple clients running on a home network and stream a Steam game installed on one PC to another, through the Steam clients.

There is an occasional minor bit of lag involved, generally when there is full motion video being streamed.

Otherwise the game play is quite smooth, as if playing on the PC that has the installed game.
the lag is the issue. Games with lag problems are unplayable for many gamers. The rent-it-from-the-cloud model isnt real-time ready yet. We can barely even do comms today -- more than half the time what you say is several ms delayed for the person hearing it. Shouting "behind you" usually means "you got shot in the back 2 seconds ago" to the victim. Its getting better, but its not ready for prime time.
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In my experience the lag is very minor, a single frame drop that is almost unnoticeable, likely due to my network and my PCs not being "top of the line."

And I don't play shooter games streamed on the network for just the reasons you point out.

Strangely enough I get lag from streaming Civilization 5 and other turn-based games, not from Skyrim. Getting lagged on Skyrim could be "deadly."
Stadia only offers 60resfresh rate. My xbox gets 120refresh rate.
There's a big latency difference between streaming over a LAN and streaming over the wider internet. Steam does the former. Google Stadia sounds like it's going to try and do the latter.

I wish them luck, but I tend to agree with jonnin that many games are going to be unplayable like this.

Shouting "behind you" usually means "you got shot in the back 2 seconds ago"

Testing it myself on Warface (they have built in voip), it's about half a second latency.

But yea, the lag is going to be the biggest issue. Even something as small a 10ms latency would ruin it for anyone playing competitively. In Warface, every sniper rifle has it's own unique scope time (where shooting means the bullet goes where you aimed). Whenever I use a sniper rifle, I have that ms delay from scoping to shooting embedded in my muscle memory. If there's even as small as a 10ms delay, I could miss many shots.

They're about 15ms different from each other, and using it is no competition. I can simulate quick scoping a lot easier with the MSR than the Orsis. The difference could be life or death. //I Have For A Limited Time //My Main

Either way, they're worlds apart when I use them. I have to time it just right, and the extra 15ms could be the difference between landing a shot or dying (mostly due to trash net code, so reaction time and timing are essential).

It may sound like like over exaggeration, but it's true. When I'm gaming, senses are heightened. I literally watch recordings of me after the fact and I can't even keep up with myself. I'll do insanely fast shots that I have no idea how I pulled off. Recalling the memory, however, they feel slower. Some recordings I'll watch and think I was insanely fast, but recall I thought I was way too slow when I was actually doing it.
Personally, I would never use a service like Stadia, even if I had guaranteed sub-millisecond latency. It's exactly the same reason I never bought Diablo 3. I don't like to relinquish control over when I can run my software to third parties. Even if the game is weirdly coded and only runs on a video card from 2005 and a specific Windows 7 build, if you have control you can always put something together out of second hand parts. If Google pulls the plug, you're SOL.
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That too, it's uncomfortable to be reliant. I also don't like how companies are trying to turn everything into a subscription plan.

Stadia only offers 60resfresh rate. My xbox gets 120refresh rate.

PC is better if you're looking for the most frame rates. Got a 144hz monitor and can't go back.
closed account (4w0o1hU5)
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yea I know people that complain about less than 80 FPS. It won't fly for action games. Maybe they can start with ... chess :P
Hey chess has the fastest refresh you ever seen.
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