I recently tried UML out for a couple hours and what is the point of it? I wasn't very impressed with the code it generated. All it did was declare classes and their attributes and operations. I guess my projects are too small for it to matter?
I'd argue its main benefit is to have a visual overview of how all of your classes relate to one another, which, yes, is more valuable for large projects than small ones. I would also argue that it's occasionally overused, though.

I would also argue that it's occasionally overused

Programming is as much an art as it is a science. IMO UML seems to be used to show people who have little to no clue what programmers do, lots of times after-the-fact.

UML can be useful to keep a medium to large team of programmers, each attacking a different portion of the code, coordinated with the over-all plan.

Me, being a single hobbyist developer working on smallish projects, using UML is a bit of overkill.

I am NOT saying having a plan ahead of time is a bad idea, I'm not. Even if the design documentation is just a sentence or two.
most markup languages are bloated, messy, and mostly worthless** across the board. They all serve the same, single (greatly simplified) purpose: they define a standard that allows potentially completely different software (and sometimes human read /modify the files as well) to communicate somehow. Whether that is a computer generated web page that is agreeing to generate legal html that a browser can read or a service writing a json or a couple of totally unrelated tools talking in an agreed upon schema in xml, this is what it always boils down to.

And it works, very well, for that purpose, even though it burns out tons of bandwidth by making the amount of space needed to store the data 10X or worse bigger and burns cpus parsing all that nonsense.

**We got on fine talking in agreed upon condensed formats for decades. The markups do add a small bit over that: they can hold recursive or loop defined data that flat format cannot do as easily (complex flat formats are just ugly), so there is some value in them. The bulk of things in markup do not use these features and are just bloated versions of the condensed flat formats.
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This has nothing to do with HTML/XML, etc... the ML in UML stands for modeling language.

Personally I've only made something in UML for school. I don't think anyone has made one for the codebase I work with... maybe it would be nice. But UML doesn't mean all design; I've drawn designs for how parts of the system work, but that doesn't mean I drew those in UML. Often just a flowchart-ish sort of thing is good enough, without having to go full-on UML.
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I had forgotten (clearly) what it stood for. But its the same basic purpose, its a common format side 'language' to make communication easier, allowing developers to use a wide variety of tools on the same file format to do CASE type work.
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