C++20 is only going to make that situation worse |
In my experience each new iteration of C++ still is treated by a lot of academic environments as "advanced," only to be used after long slogs through old code.
More than a few questions asked here still rely on using the C library,
rand() for example, instead of using "modern" C++. Or standard fixed arrays instead of a C++ container.
Or manually managing memory with raw pointers instead of smart pointers.
I get the impression that the instructors and/or the course material is outdated and no one wants to take the time and effort to upgrade.
Learning C++ on my own is both helpful and a curse. I get to go at my own pace, wander off into "the weeds" with some aspect I find interesting/useful, etc.
But I also don't have the grounding for debugging faulty apps as well as a lot of the other framework for being a professional. I know I have deficits in my understanding of C++, but just how broad and deep that lack is I really DO NOT know.
Being self-taught makes it hard at times to explain something beyond a simple "for dummies" approach. A good example of that is here: