What about converts who were extremely devout to their prior religion but were won over? |
Ask them why they switched over it was probably some illogical reason (like experiencing a miracle or sign). The only case of people switching over that we should actually look at is when they read their religious text, some other religious text, and then decide to switch over. In that case, that person isn't even logical anymore. Reading a religious text cover to cover will
make you atheist. They didn't read the texts with understanding and discovering truth in mind, they went in with some other notion. Maybe the wanted to change religions, maybe they had a bad experience with their church or whatever, perhaps they saw friends going to that religion and decided to look into it.
There are so many factors that could lead to someone changing religions. Notice, however, that finding one religion more logical than the other is rarely the factor. Most religions have the same basis and stories, just slightly altered or added onto. If you read with a mindset of changing religions, then you're not reading in terms of "is this real?" You've already accepted all the illogical aspects and you're not really filtering anything.
But, for the majority of people this isn't the case. Their religion makes sense, other religions don't. Scientologists believe in what? Something you probably think is stupid. I don't think you'd convert to Hinduism any time soon.
If you want to argue, lets argue about why
YOU believe in your religion, which I assume you're a Muslim. Are you aware of the story in there were the prophet literally murders a child because he was going to be a "bad son", and that their next child would be better?