When my cat wants more attention than I'm offering...

Pages: 123
I just want to say that I'd never realized programming contest questions had such a deficiency of references to sex with children, and how much more entertaining they'd be if this deficiency was corrected.
And icing on the cake, this whole commotion commences in a topic initially about cats.
And icing on the cake, this whole commotion commences in a topic initially about cats.

I am dying.
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Son of a...

...I go away (from this thread) for a few days and LOOK WTH HAPPENS!
helios wrote:
At least he's not a kitten anymore. My new kittens get weird when they get bored.

My current feline, even after 3 years, still acts like he (it) is a kitten. A high-pitched mousey like squeak of a meow, and gets all kittenish squirrely.

I suspect he was clipped at the earliest time that was medically safe, maybe a bit sooner. It still is annoying to have an 11 pound cat stealth attack from behind corners and furniture. As well as a SOLID plop on my lap when he demands attention.
That's interesting. My older female, which I only recently spayed when I got the two kittens, significantly mellowed out after the surgery. Now she's all chubby and freaks out a lot less.

I was going to say it surprised me that such a large cat could behave like that, but come to think of it my 13 pounder would sometimes get squirrely too. He wasn't much of a climber or an ambusher, but he could sprint like crazy around tight corners, bounce on walls, and ram doors to open them.
There is a difference in temperament between male and female cats, neutered or not.

My current cat has mellowed, somewhat, as he has gotten older. But still he gets squirrely a lot.

My cat isn't all that large, body size, he's just put on weight.

He was short haired and very lightweight when I got him from the local Humane Society. Now he is very fluffy long-haired. All that fur hides just how heavy he is for his size.

I can feel his ribs if I feel around, so he isn't overweight.

He's staring at me now, as if he knows I'm commenting about him.
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Pages: 123