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When my cat wants more attention than I'm offering...

Pages: 123
I'm coding, focused, busy.

My tabby is in my lap, clawing at my shirt and gnawing at my arm.

I'm still focused, debugging, tracing, thinking.

So, to get my attention he climbs over my shoulder, hops over the computer, then places his paw on the power supply fan, squeezing the tip of his claw into the blades.....bzzzzzzzz.

He looks at me knowing this ticks me off.

But....NOW, I'm paying attention to him.

He loves it!
closed account (367kGNh0)
I will not lie, and let you live a lie

Momentary occurrences being shared like this just cause me to feel like a millennial, a time murderer, a person who afflitiates themselved with occurences that are merely futile to be aware of. Therefore I despise this post, the formality is lacks, the futulity that vitiates it, is polluting. But if we shall stuff our eyes, we will fail to be aware of what may lie, within
@Rascake WELL THEN...

I guess your cat isn't as independent as most. Sounds cute. You could always lock it out of your room, but maybe that's a bit cruel </3
At least he's not a kitten anymore. My new kittens get weird when they get bored. Lately they've figured out how to jump up onto the top of the bookshelf, which is over 2 meters up.

You should employ punitive cuddling. Grab him and hold him in your arms belly up, like a baby. Some cats will already not like this, while others will tolerate or even enjoy this. You can follow up by rubbing, tapping, or nibbling his belly[1], ruffling his head, or sniffing him intensely, especially near his ears. That last part in particular, every cat I've had has hated that. Obviously if you know other ways to bother him without harming him, those should work, as well.

Do this every time he tries to get your attention by annoying you and he'll learn to stop doing that. Do note that this doesn't work to, for example, keep him off a table; cats don't understand the causal link between jumping onto a table and you punishing them. They should be able to understand the link between trying to get your attention and getting unpleasant attention from you.

[1] Don't do this unless you know how he'll react! Some cats are really not fond of having their bellies touched, although IME most will tolerate their human touching them. Nibbling him puts you in prime face-scratching position.
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closed account (367kGNh0)

well then what?
Are you being obtuse on purpose?
closed account (367kGNh0)
Are you being obtuse on purpose?
Don't talk to me about my enigmaticness, I can be straightforward, this is about principle, and averting the human mind from occupations which are merely dilapidating
My girlfriend has a furry ragdoll. We are bitter rivals, but I love when he becomes floppy in my arms after picking him up.
My girlfriend is just amazing. I just gotta find her.
My girlfriend is just amazing. I just gotta find her.
Why the sense of obligation? Do you intend for the newfound partner to eventually become your bride, or are your intentions temporary? If I may ask, that is, this whole American affection practice, to me, a Brit, seems rather excessive.
If your cat wants your attention, rather than punitive attention, just give some love. After that your cat will be happy and purr while you code.

I’ve seen cats jump fences like that. Impressive, no?

I had some friends, all of them very tall people, and their cats were used to jumping up and sitting on a shoulder like a bird. Once when I was visiting one of the cats decided it liked me enough to sit on my shoulder.

Would have been cool, too, had I not flinched and the cat changed her mind.
If I may ask, that is, this whole American affection practice, to me, a Brit, seems rather excessive.

It was a joke, relax.
I am all but in tranquil.
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Why the sense of obligation? Do you intend for the newfound partner to eventually become your bride, or are your intentions temporary? If I may ask, that is, this whole American affection practice, to me, a Brit, seems rather excessive.

I think you might be taking the joke a little too seriously.
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I am all but in tranquil. Though four words word make me feel urge to shake my head at your post, you would be interesting in knowing them?

Great, another Rascake
Sorry. I guess the words were powerful. I suppose it was merely a joke, however I do appologise for whatever disatisfaction was arroused. I suppose it did become a little resembling to rascakes "I dissaprove of you" attitude

Wow, what would that be like,
"ah man, i though I really made a new impersonation, but alas you caught me"
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Wow, what would that be like,
"ah man, i though I really made a new impersonation, but alas you caught me"

It would be like what you're thinking right now
I’ve seen cats jump fences like that. Impressive, no?
They're agile little bastards, to be sure.

I had some friends, all of them very tall people, and their cats were used to jumping up and sitting on a shoulder like a bird. Once when I was visiting one of the cats decided it liked me enough to sit on my shoulder.

Would have been cool, too, had I not flinched and the cat changed her mind.
Some cats have the weirdest habits. A friend of a friend has or had a cat that liked to roam the block around her house, and when he found someone friendly he'd climb up onto their arms and begin suckling on their ear lobe.
Great, another Rascake
I suppose it did become a little resembling to rascakes

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Pages: 123