The matter of using libido triggering images in order to make people click an article

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closed account (367kGNh0)
You yourself seem to like the philosophy of the guy who does all that
I do not justify the philosophy at all, I despise it, but I do plause the films for, for once, being a franchise with intellect, wisdom(its not all about killing) and sophistication. Rather than one of pathetic, less just action. Has your vocabulary expanded from watching pornography? Mine has alot from watching SAW (I have never even watched a saw move, I only see youtube snippets) Great fish, Saw has changed my life for the better. I may very well be the speaker in the image (text)

You haven't really given valid reasons for why porn is bad
Consider it pending.

Either you're the worst debater I've ever seen
It's just everytime we try tackle one issue of high severity, another one will occur during the discussion of the other. But I will take your opinions into account, and be more direct
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I do not justify the philosophy at all, I despise it, but I do plause the films for, for once, being a franchise with intellect, wisdom(its not all about killing) and sophistication.

Wisdom might be a bit too far, but intellect I suppose. It certainly has philosophy and idealism. If you watch something like Code Geass, Spiral, Death Note, etc., you'll find there's no comparison in intellectualism.

I don't watch porn to gain a vocabulary, but maybe I've picked up a skills! However, porn isn't for learning and neither is SAW; if you find a way to learn from them then great, but it wasn't the purpose.

Lastly, why do you quote it so much, take part in little scenarios involving the very same thought process, and seem overall slightly obsessed with it if you despise it? There's no harm in seeing the philosophy, finding it interesting or agreeable, but not actually wanting to adopt it.
Pfft, what? Saw has intellect, now? Maybe, maybe you could say that about the first one (I wouldn't agree), but each one that followed has been a series of increasingly contrived excuse plots to justify the scene where someone gets brutally murdered or mutilated. The Saw franchise as a whole is even generally referred to as "torture porn" and "gore porn".
The plots are even structured somewhat like porn, if you think about it:
First there's the outside-the-trap scenes. That's the set-up in porn, the excuse plot, the "ooh, I need to call a plumber".
Then there's the scene where the trap is live and the people in it are trying to escape it. That's the actual sex scene in porn.
Finally there's the climax for the trap, where someone gets horrifically killed. That's the money shot, it's what the audience came to see.
Usually there's a character the audience is rooting for (or against, if they're slasher movie fans). That's the metaphorical blonde with the big tits.

I'm sorry, but if your vocabulary expanded from watching Saw, your vocabulary wasn't very large to begin with. I'd suggest reading a book, not watching shitty Halloween movies. That last past is not figure of speech, by the way. They all came out in late October.

It's just everytime we try tackle one issue of high severity
I don't think any issue of high severity has been tackled at any point. We're arguing about whether porn is bad on an Internet forum, not trying to solve a drought. Let's keep things in perspective.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Well @helios, what scene does the modern healthcare scrutinization equivalate to?
suggest reading a book
I very well read everyday, but to be honest an hour of reading increases my vocabulary less than watching segments of the more moral saw parts(unless I'm reading the wrong books, here are my books in waiting if you think I mean amaturish books

your vocabulary wasn't very large to begin with
English is not my first language, I've only been forced to speak it for 4 years
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Well @helios, what scene does the modern healthcare scrutinization equivalate to?
I'd just like to pause a moment to appreciate the phrase "scrutinization equivalate".

Okay, let's continue.

That scene is the equivalent of someone getting a handjob and recalling what they did earlier that day that led them to their current situation.
closed account (367kGNh0)
That scene is the equivalent of someone getting a handjob and recalling what they did earlier that day that led them to their current situation.
After that. The discussion, If you have no idea what SAW was, and all you had to infer from was that discussion, would torture pornography come to your mind instantly? Personally I would think it was a short film eye opener adressing current controversial topics

I don't watch porn to gain a vocabulary, but maybe I've picked up a skills!
Ah no not your aswell, I actually was hopingg you would say something similar to "Actually, I don't watch it". It's the innocence in this case. I wouldn't like imaging the the man voicing my advert possessed a mind possible envisioning that which is, to some, impure. Ofcourse I said X, now you want whY, i find it impure as that is what we shield from our kids, a childrens show, apart from for educational reasons, will NOT have a private part visible (more often than not), because it's explicit, and will corrupt their innocent minds, make then impure, therefore such thoughts are impure

Anyway, as you once said. I feel you chose to respond to the most irrelevant part of my post. i said pending, clearly eventually we will cover the facts you seek.
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I can play that game too:
If all you knew about Saw was that video, would you have any reason to think anything of intellectual value is said in those movies?

Saw is a horror movie franchise. Why, when analyzing its merits, should we consider only fragments of it rather than the whole?

It's the innocence in this case. I wouldn't like imaging the the man voicing my advert possessed a mind possible envisioning that which is, to some, impure. Ofcourse I said X, now you want whY, i find it impure as that is what we shield from our kids, a childrens show, apart from for educational reasons, will NOT have a private part visible (more often than not), because it's explicit, and will corrupt their innocent minds, make then impure, therefore such thoughts are impure
I see, so sexual thoughts are impure because they are impure. Interesting method of argumentation.

Why is "pureness" good and "impurity" bad, in regards to thoughts?

Anyway, as you once said. I feel you chose to respond to the most irrelevant part of my post. i said pending, clearly eventually we will cover the facts you seek.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
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Is the premise of the movie the torture or what led up to the torture? Simply, you can say he was doing it because of a corrupt healthcare system, but the movie is about the actual torture - hence the handjob analogy.

If the movie had given 0 reason for the people he chooses to torture, that would be less background and less depth to the story. But again, its a very small scene and not what the movie is about.

A good example of a movie that has a lot of action but the focus is still on a central philosophy/idea is "V for Vendetta".
closed account (367kGNh0)
Why is "pureness" good and "impurity" bad, in regards to thoughts?
Impurity is futile, futility is corrupting, and arrouses lack of productivity, lack of productivity brings lack of purpure, lack of purpose is essentialy breathing, not living. If you can understand what I mean by that.

A good example of a movie
I do not like movies, I despise looking at them as an entirity, I just praise the fruits they reap, the food for thought they bear. Movies have become an essential in the flawed western life, most of the people at my facilty act as though they expect another to have seen an over two hour long film, as it if hash helped them, while I have remained untouched by these time murdereds and am still alive (Sorry, it is late in the UK, I cannot express thoughts sanely).Don't talk to me about the traps, they are nothing to me, this is about the consideration it arrouses. (shamefully, again quoted:

I would like to mention however, that it kickstarted a recognisation in me, that recognisation being, how much them meer mention of death can change some people. The film itself is just an assumption of what people would do when faced with death, so I enforced some experimentation of my own, and saw a story in which when a boy, who indulged himself in laughter, was never seen to laugh again, when reminded of [merely beyond frightening religious afterlife]. I myself tried to remind a rather (atleast he acted) uncivilised colleage his two beloved parent will one day lie immobile in a grave, his reaction denial rather than fear however. and like the film said, we cannot help then, they have to help themselved. Maybe if in campusses around the globe, a tonnoy reminded students, sophisticatedly, that their beloved parents may soon no longer be among them, productivity levels as well as behavior would improve?
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I also like watching things for the psychological aspect, what will someone do on the brink of death? But also, I like intellect and pragmatism in the approach. Again, Code Geass, Death Note, Hell Girl, etc., I could go on with a list of anime that are not only psychological (including in the face of death), but with intellectual characters and storylines that have substance to them.

Impurity is futile, futility is corrupting, and arrouses lack of productivity, lack of productivity brings lack of purpure, lack of purpose is essentialy breathing, not living. If you can understand what I mean by that.

I understand maybe what you wanted to mean, but it wasn't quite what you really said. In this definition, porn wouldn't even be impure. Porn doesn't make a lack of productivity. In fact, staying pent up probably makes you A WHOLE LOT more unproductive. However, would sex be impure, even between a married couple? Is your mind impure simply for knowing the fact that it can happen and people do it?

Ah no not your aswell, I actually was hopingg you would say something similar to "Actually, I don't watch it".

I also mass produce it.

LoL, just kidding.
Impurity is futile
What does that mean? "Futile"? Futile towards what purpose?

futility is corrupting

arrouses lack of productivity, lack of productivity brings lack of purpure, lack of purpose is essentialy breathing, not living
I'll tell you a secret: living has no purpose. The universe doesn't care if you live or die. What exactly makes you think one way of living is "more purposeful" than another? What measuring stick do you use to do that? Why that one and not a different one?

I myself tried to remind a rather (atleast he acted) uncivilised colleage his two beloved parent will one day lie immobile in a grave, his reaction denial rather than fear however. and like the film said, we cannot help then, they have to help themselved.
What makes you think your colleague needed your, or anyone's, help? What makes their reaction when considering death worse than any other?

I was hesitant before, but now I'm sure: you are a very self-righteous person. You look down on anyone who chooses to live or think differently from you without stopping to think if they might have valid reasons to do so. That's a very contemptible character trait; nobody likes being around the close-minded guy who judges everything they do and who talks like they know everything. If you want to grow as a person you'd do well to get rid of that self-righteousness.

EDIT: Fixed typo.
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Helios, thank you for existing. I've said it before, but it's always like we're thinking the same thing.
closed account (367kGNh0)
you are a very self-righteous person. You look down on anyone who chooses to live or think differently from you
I may very well be the most discraceful human, I am convinced I am, but that is irrelevant. The last action I want to do is make someone inferior, I never actually labeled you have i?(not sarcasm, a quesiton, I may have).

colleague needed your, or anyone's, help?
I DO NOT THINK HE IS FLAWED! it was just an experiment. I am uncivilised myself, the way I have expressed my opinion on this thread are not as formal as i wish they were. I did not say it was a bad trait.

futility is corrupting :you:Explain.
When I explain these things, people will cringe. Best leave it here

Lets actually return to the very beginning, the title:

Should there be a limit regarding how covered the body is, when advertising publicly?
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You may not have labeled him specifically with a term, but you said he was spreading a fire by seeing pornography - a claim without any real substance to it other than the fact that you don't think it's right. You make claims about right/wrong - pure/impure, when those are simply constructs people generally accept to a certain point - so everyone's version of these things are slightly different. However, you take your views and, so far, have compared it to other people's views, thinking it's wrong of someone to deviate from your standards.

The argument Helios makes is that if you say porn is "bad" without scientific evidence of negative affects, then it's simply an opinion. But, you've been pushing it as if it should simply be accepted as bad without acceptance for the fact that others don't see it your way; hence the self-righteous indications.
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Yup, basically everything zapshe said. You criticize ("you're spreading a fire", "he can only help himself") people for doing things you disapprove of, and when they ask you to substantiate why you disapprove of those things, all you can do is shrug. It's fine if you don't like something for whatever reason, or even no reason at all; your thoughts are your own. But if you're going to criticize others at least have a good reason to do so.

Should there be a limit regarding how covered the body is, when advertising publicly?
closed account (367kGNh0)
Thanks, I have realised I probably adopted this trait from that very movie, fortunately, I already vowed never to watch it again(atleast pre 2017), after a realisation I may never see my family again, OK, I told you my more acceptable points were pending, now consider it sent:

when regarding its impact on the MASSES, not common men who "wouldn't harm a fly"

Since the sexual revolution in the 1960s cases of crimes like rape and sexual assault and paedophilia are rising more and more due to how addicted people have become and how much it entices them to the point that they cannot control themselves and now for example in India there are around 106 women being raped daily I wouldn't say that the more sexualised our society has become the more of these cases there are is a coincidence.

What about the harmless common man?

Erectile disfunction and premature ejaculation can occur, more facts Will edit

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Since the sexual revolution in the 1960s cases of crimes like rape and sexual assault and paedophilia are rising more and more due to how addicted people have become and how much it entices them to the point that they cannot control themselves and now for example in India there are around 106 women being raped daily I wouldn't say that the more sexualised our society has become the more of these cases there are is a coincidence.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Also, I don't buy that sex crimes are on the rise. Citation please.

Erectile disfunction and premature ejaculation can occur
Yep, sexual dysfunctions can certainly occur. What does that have to do with pornography?
closed account (367kGNh0)
Yep, sexual dysfunctions can certainly occur. What does that have to do with pornography?
these are consequence of masturbation, what is the leading consequences of masturbation? but more is to come under that bold writing

Also, I don't buy that sex crimes are on the rise. Citation please.

Debatable, you can look at it from the end and agree, or see the whole graph and say it's somewhere inbetween
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Since the sexual revolution in the 1960s cases of crimes like rape and sexual assault and paedophilia are rising more and more

The world population has more than DOUBLED since 1960. Even if those cases have risen, it wouldn't really say much.

what is the leading cause of masturbation?

Being horny. Porn isn't the reason people masturbate; masturbating is the reason for porn.

in India there are around 106 women being raped daily

India's population is also > 1 Billion. Understand that any statistic should be taken with rationality for all the factors involved. It's not like you're walking down the street and you'll find customary rape, though you might not feel like looking around depending on where you decided to go.
these are causes of masturbation
WHAT?? You can only mean one of two things:
1. Sexual dysfunction causes masturbation. This is what you literally said, but it doesn't make sense as a coherent argument. "Sexual dysfunction causes masturbation, and porn causes masturbation, therefore ???"
2. Sexual dysfunction is caused by masturbation. I think this is what you meant to say, but it's just false.
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