The matter of using libido triggering images in order to make people click an article

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We are engaged in a brave experiment where hundreds of millions of young boys furiously beat off while staring at images of people being treated like objects. I don't see how that's a good thing.

People engage in brave experiments where they treat their sex partners like objects. Believe me, I've met more woman who'd rather be dominated and treated like "objects" in bed rather than be treated equally/fairly and whatever else you think should be happening. That doesn't mean you treat then like garbage or objects afterwards, you know that it was simply for sex, that it was a kink - what's "wrong" is considered hot.

Anyway, before images and videos, they'd still beat off, just to an imagination or perhaps even to memories of seeing it happen in person or having actually done it.

This is how topics derail, Such is irrelevant.

I thought it was very on topic, but that's fine.

ha ha you mean you have seen better good in entertaining yourself with educational and productive content that teaches you topics such as psychology or anything non nudity related, please tell me the latter is correct..

Yep, that's exactly it. As I watched mind blowing facts about our brains and the universe, I was jacking off because it was just so stimulating.
closed account (367kGNh0)
woman who'd rather be dominated and treated like "objects" in bed rather than be treated equally/fairly
I see an ethical dilemma here, just like if a suicidal person comes to you and asks you to kill him, instead of let him live true life.
I see an ethical dilemma here, just like if a suicidal person comes to you and asks you to kill him, instead of let him live true life.

Not the same thing. You assume having a kink of wanting to be dominated is a bad thing. However, lets delve into your analogy, suicide is a big deal because you can't simply take it back or change afterwards. You can commit a crime and then realize the error of your ways or whatever, but you can't kill yourself then think, "Maybe that wasn't a good idea!"

And it's not an ethical dilemma, because if the person is rationally suicidal and in a sane state of mind, there might not be anything anyone can do. Same with this, these women aren't crazy and in the moment, this is something they like and they know it. They're not crying afterwards about the horrible mistake they made.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Not the same thing
Nor is making love and watching it, why did you bring it up?
No, no, no, no, si, nein, huwezi, ではない!, ha ha you mean you have seen better good in entertaining yourself with educational and productive content that teaches you topics such as psychology or anything non nudity related, please tell me the latter is correct.
I'm saying I use pornography regularly. Even if I concede that consuming educational content is "better" than that, I would still not want to do that all day, every day. I like pasta and I like potatoes, but I wouldn't want to eat either for the rest of my life.

Nor is making love and watching it, why did you bring it up?
What about people who enjoy being dominated and watched?
Nor is making love and watching it, why did you bring it up?

To address what dutch said about seeing people as "objects" rather than who they are, which also touches on what you said previously. I'm saying that's not something special that happens only when watching porn, that exists in sex too. I feel this question was more to try and find any logical loophole rather than to try to understand and respond to it.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
I'm saying I use pornography regularly.
That is sick man, you're spreading a fire
You do know that there's more pornography than just pointing a camera at people, right? There is such a thing a pornographic art (not to be confused with artistic pornography).

That aside, you've yet to make the argument that pornography is inherently bad. "Oh, but the debasement!" That's not an argument. You have no insight into the reasons why particular adult performers do what they do. Honestly, to claim that you know better than them how they should feel about their career choices is at best infantilizing.
That is sick man, you're spreading a fire

Do you see this as a fact or your opinion? And what's sick about it? Why is watching it bad but doing it alright (is it alright to you?)?

That aside, you've yet to make the argument that pornography is inherently bad. "Oh, but the debasement!" That's not an argument.

More agreement from me. Nothing you've said argues that pornographic material is bad. If you personally think it's bad, why? Is it because you were told that? Because you've never looked at it truly?
closed account (367kGNh0)
Source: (Let us ignore the fact the channel is Islam based. Don't talk to me about religion, this is about mental wellbeing)

If you personally think it's bad, why?

pornography helps in releasing and activating certain Chemicals and hormones in the brain, just like any other addictive substance, you probably know this as dopamine These Chemicals help you feel temporarily happy. If these mix chemicals are released, you are in your comfort zone, happy and satisfied, but once their level is dropped, you are depressed, anxious and irritated.

According to Max Planck Institute in Berlin, they have found that a part of the brain which activates when people feel motivated or rewarded, shrinks and works less efficiently when people regularly watch pornographic materials.

Source: (Let us ignore the fact the channel is Islam based. Don't talk to me about religion, this is about mental wellbeing)
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Earlier you said "you're spreading a fire", which implies that when someone watches porn they're causing a negative effect at the societal level. Now you're arguing that watching porn is addictive. Why don't you do what all the intellectually dishonest people do and come to your conclusion and then try to find evidence that confirms that conclusion? Don't come to a conclusion and then find evidence that confirms a different conclusion.

As for addictions:
1. Any activity that triggers the reward system in the brain is capable of causing behavioral addition ( ). Porn, sex, exercise, eating, gambling, etc. Since you think that "someone can get addicted to porn, therefore people shouldn't use porn at all" is a valid reasoning, you must also think that "someone can get addicted to exercise, therefore people shouldn't exercise at all" and "someone can get addicted to eating, therefore people shouldn't eat at all" are also valid reasonings. If you don't think they're valid then you should check your belief system, because as you've explained it to us it's internally inconsistent.

2. How is it any of your business if someone wants to do something while accepting the risk that they might get addicted to that thing?
Rascake wrote:
According to Max Planck Institute in Berlin, they have found that
If you want to quote a research paper, link to it:
What it said was "Taken together, one may be tempted to assume that [...] However, the observed volumetric association [...] could likewise be a precondition rather than a consequence of frequent pornography consumption".
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you probably know this as dopamine These Chemicals help you feel temporarily happy. If these mix chemicals are released, you are in your comfort zone, happy and satisfied, but once their level is dropped, you are depressed, anxious and irritated.

Dopamine levels rise and drop as needed. If you're ACTUALLY having sex, they're going to rise. That doesn't mean you'll be depressed after sex. Unless it was a one night thing with a girl you actually wanted to be with and she was gone by morning :(
closed account (367kGNh0)
The cons outweigh the pros,

The following incident took place when Muhammad Ali's daughters arrived at his home wearing clothes that were not modest. Here is the story as told by one of his daughters:

When we finally arrived, the chauffeur escorted my younger sister, Laila, and me up to my father's suite. As usual, he was hiding behind the door waiting to scare us. We exchanged many hugs and kisses as we could possibly give in one day.

My father took a good look at us. Then he sat me down on his lap and said something that I will never forget. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Hana, everything that God made valuable in the world is covered and hard to get to. Where do you find diamonds? Deep down in the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find pearls? Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell. Where do you find gold? Way down in the mine, covered over with layers and layers of rock. You've got to work hard to get to them."

He looked at me with serious eyes. "Your body is sacred. You're far more precious than diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too." Source: Taken from the book: More Than A Hero: Muhammad Ali's Life Lessons Through His Daughter's Eyes.
The cons outweigh the pros,
I like how you don't even attempt to make an argument for that. You just assert it and expect us to accept it.

Gram for gram, minerals in a mine are necessarily worth less than ingots and polished stones, simply because effort has to be expended to extract and process the ores. Often mines are closed not because the vein has been depleted, but because it no longer makes economical sense to continue the operation. In other words, the value of the unextracted mineral (price_ingot - cost_extraction - cost_processing) is negative.

Diamonds aren't really all that valuable. They were once thought to be rare, but not only are they relatively common gemstones, gem-grade synthetic diamonds are so good, the only way to tell them apart from natural diamonds is through spectroscopy: natural diamonds contain impurities and thus have different absorption bands than lab-grown diamonds.

Arguably, the most valuable resources are those that aren't hidden at all: air and sunlight. Without air you'd die in just a couple minutes, so that makes it pretty valuable, I'd say. Without sunlight the plants would die and the ecosystem would collapse, killing everything from starvation.

But ultimately, why should we care about a boxer's opinion on modesty? Or for that matter, on anything.
closed account (367kGNh0)
You just assert it and expect us to accept it.
Not at all, I just stumbled upon it and sent it as I saw a link

why should we care about a boxer's opinion on modesty? Or for that matter, on anything
Why a programmer's? Packing boxes all day can help you see the futility time lacks
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Not at all, I just stumbled upon it and sent it as I saw a link

He meant you asserted that "The cons outweigh the pros". What's your reasoning for that? Someone's reasoning of philosophy isn't scientific evidence, and the "evidence" you presented about chemicals in the brain I've already shown you to be wrong.

Why a programmer's?

Logical thinking skills?

closed account (367kGNh0)
make an argument for that.
What's your reasoning for that
If I told you, the flaws you would mention would be futile. And we discuss what we what, not what we don't want
(goodness, that must be the 50th time I quoted the saw franchise in the forum, I also did so by saying "*adjective*er, *connoting adjective*er, and therefore, less worthy to *verb*")
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Why a programmer's?
What are you saying? Has anyone here used their opinion or another programmer's opinion as an argument? For example, has anyone said something like "Richard Stallman thinks porn is alright, therefore porn is alright", or "I think porn is alright, therefore porn is alright"?

If I told you, the flaws you would mention would be futile. And we discuss what we what, not what we don't want
Why did you start this thread if you're not willing to argue your position?

A: X is true!
B: No, it's not!

That's not a discussion, that's the Argument Clinic sketch in forum form. If all you're going to do is quote people saying "here, this guy agrees with me!" then don't bother. Just let the thread die.
I'll say this, though: there are no false opinions, but there are invalid opinions. "I don't like cold weather" is a valid opinion, but "I don't like Rio de Janeiro because I don't like cold weather" is an invalid opinion, since it's based on false premises. You should question the validity of any opinions you hold if you're not willing to let other people examine them.

EDIT: Honestly, I'm puzzled by what your intention might be. Your speech in several occasions seems to imply that you care don't feel the same way you do about porn, but you behavior here doesn't jibe with that. Either you're the worst debater I've ever seen, or you're a troll trying to waste people's time.
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Why do you watch SAW but shoot down porn? What are your priorities? People get treated like objects in porn, people get treated like play things whose lives don't matter in SAW. Sacred wise, porn unveils the "sacred" body, SAW makes people cut themselves, amputate themselves, and die - and people watch it. You yourself seem to like the philosophy of the guy who does all that, and make up a few situations you could put people in - which seems a lot less moral than simply watching porn.

You haven't really given valid reasons for why porn is bad, but I can't find any reason myself that wouldn't also apply to other things which we wouldn't normally demonize.
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