Hello guys, I was programming a min heap that works in a complexity of O(n) instead of the regular O(n log n). Then, I was thinking about making a simple article for our community here showing how it works, tests, results and so on. Is this a good topic for the article area for this site? Thanks!
My suspicion is that the reason there's been no articles for so long is that, since they go through an approval process, there's nobody approving the articles anymore. I may be wrong, though, so go ahead and give it a shot.
Even if it never does get submitted, as JLBorges mentioned teaching is a great way to solidify concepts in your own mind, and make sure you've thought through every aspect thoroughly, so the effort would remain worthwhile. You could even start up your own blog and post it there, if that sort of thing appeals to you, and link the result here for people to take a look.