It isn't just my opinion, everyone else who bothered to respond said much the same thing. Some were more polite than me.
You sure took some time to come around from "DO IT MY WAY, OR ELSE!" to "well, everyone can do things differently."
wrong … yours wasn't an opinion it was a my way is the best way because as you so pointed my if you would do it my way, you would have given up long ago .. what I see here is that you aren't very open minded about the topic and you are just instigating … I'm being as polite as I can be.
Also, I never shamed you down man … who is the one who said they would quit because it would become too frustrating … YOU and I encouraged you to challenge yourself instead of settling for the easy way … this isn't about my way or the high way not even close … this was a post that was MY opinion and my advice for people who wanted to create a game, I simply suggested that an individual should start from the very beginning and perhaps they would understand the architecture of what makes a game work better … seriously dude, there are books out there that talk about this stuff … this isn't just my point of view a lot of people prefer the more technical details.
I don't know if you've heard of the microwave class example where they speak of a microwave and a person and the person doesn't care how the microwave works or what a button does when they presss, they just want the microwave to work .. this is called abstraction, part of objected oriented programming basically where you don't concern yourself with the inner details of a class implementation and then of course there is that one individual who does want to know how the microwave works and perhaps wants to take a peek inside to see if he/she can understand it better.
For example in C++ we have the string class that works just fine, I use c++ strings all the time. However, at one point I did write my very own string class just as you pointed in a previous post … you tried something and then you took a stab at trying to make something of your own to see if you could understand it better.
It pains me that every reply to you … you think I'm coming after you or something … that's not the case.
I have been on this forum helping people from time to time but never have I met such hostile replies … in fact there have been posts where people have corrected me and offered good positive constructive feedback on a better way to do something … but nothing along the lines of "this is the dumbest advice I've seen here" these are just the words of a very unprofessional person.
And you pretty much said your way is the best way,
If I had gone the route you suggest, mrfaosfx, I would have given up in frustration rather quickly instead of staying with it. |
And you say I'm arrogant....smh.
Nothing good came of this post and I am recommended the moderators LOCK it right now … any further replies from the looks of it, will be just instigation and pointing of fingers and it's really getting us no where, I'm not here to fight with anyone.