Have you witnessed Anti-intellectualism?

Pages: 12
closed account (z05DSL3A)
genetic modification is unsafe
I'm not convinced either way but feel that while research is carried out the gene-ie should be kept in its bottle.

Rascake wrote:
Also, why are you doing a ";)" do you realise this can be interpreted in explicit ways, and already is:

[sarcasm]You have to be some kind of idiot to intemperate it...oh yeh[/sarcasm]

PS. What is the link meant to be for?
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Sadly, anti-GMO marketing campaigns appear to be successful worldwide despite being profoundly idiotic.

You do understand the ethics in this. Personally I despise GMOs, they introduced to the US in 1994. Guess which year obesity skyrocketed in the US

ɹnoɟ ʎʇǝuᴉu uǝǝʇǝuᴉu
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Rascake wrote:
they introduced to the US in 1994. Guess which year obesity skyrocketed in the US
It is more likely to be related to the uptake in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup.
Rascake wrote:
You do understand the ethics in this. Personally I despise GMOs

What makes you despise increased yields, reduced use of pesticides, and environment-friendly farming techniques?

Grey Wolf wrote:
It is more likely to be related to the uptake in consumption of high-fructose corn syrup.

HFCS is just sugar.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
Cubbi wrote:
HFCS is just sugar.
yes and not quite.

The point is that obesity is more likely to be related to the uptake in consumption of 'sugars' rather than the introduction of GM foods.
Personally I despise GMOs, they introduced to the US in 1994. Guess which year obesity skyrocketed in the US
The data doesn't support your thesis:
Obesity in the US has been on a more marked rise since the early 80s, with barely an uptick in the mid-90s that reverted by the 2000s.
Guess which year obesity skyrocketed in the US

It certainly wasn't 1994, despite what the anti-GMO advocates want to lie about.

There are valid concerns about genetically modifying organisms with potential unintended harmful outcomes. Every field of human endeavor can have detriments.

Artificially modifying plants and animals has been a hallmark of agriculture since people stopped wandering around hunting roaming animals and gathering wild plants.

Would you be willing to give up your farm raised meat and vegetables, easily obtained at the corner grocer's, going back to having to hunt your own food?
closed account (367kGNh0)
Would you be willing to give up your farm raised meat and vegetables, easily obtained at the corner grocer's, going back to having to hunt your own food?

Fortunately I am not American, I come from a place where fast food is straight from the back garden
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I see you completely misread what was said.

FARM RAISED VEGGIES, and you replied food straight from a garden.

Farm, garden, only the scale is different.

All those wonderful veggies you get from that garden have been deliberately modified from ancestors centuries ago.

Food grown in dirt.

Get it now?

It is indeed fortuitous you are not American.
All those wonderful veggies you get from that garden have been deliberately modified from ancestors centuries ago.
Hey, you don't know that. Maybe he really likes those grass-tree-bark-and-weed salads and only eats naturally occurring plants.
Personally, I'm all for appeals to nature. Everyone in my family lived all-natural lifestyles, and only most of them died of easily treatable or preventable infections (the rest died of malnutrition after all their teeth fell off). /s
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helios, you've got to stop making me laugh.

Some people are immune to a well-played bit of sarcasm, I ain't and clearly neither are you.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Everyone in my family lived all-natural lifestyles, and only most of them died of easily treatable or preventable infections (the rest died of malnutrition after all their teeth fell off).

Strange. None died from being hit by a pink car. Miraculous...
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Pages: 12