What library does adobe use

closed account (367kGNh0)
It was revealed adobe uses c++ to make their iconic softwares like Photoshop and Animate CC. But what c++ library do they use, I can't seem to find it
Do you have Photoshop on your system currently? I do not have it on the current system I'm using, but you can get an idea of what libraries a program uses on Windows by looking at the DLLs that are in the same folder as Photoshop's main .exe file (Most likely somewhere in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop(?)).

If you're looking to use the libraries that they use, I doubt you'll be able to do, because they are probably proprietary and made by Adobe itself. Of course, everything can be reverse engineered given enough effort (but you wouldn't legally be able to use it for any public or commercial purpose).

I believe that Photoshop uses the XMP specification for file metadata, but that of course is only a very small part of functionality.

Edit: I should also note, be very careful when searching about specific DLL files. Any website that you find that offers DLLs should be considered a virus site until proven otherwise.

If you want to look into how some open-source digital painting programs work, you might want to look into GIMP or Krita.

Also, you double posted. Please delete the other topic.

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You'd have to reverse-engineer the software, and still you'd end up with only hints.

A lot of the work is by the OS, especially if it is Windows, with gobs of proprietary code libraries created specifically by Adobe.

Why not apply for an internship so you can snoop their code base.
Of course, everything can be reverse engineered given enough effort (but you wouldn't legally be able to use it for any public or commercial purpose).
That's not necessarily true. It depends on the specific method of re-engineering and on whether the software is covered by any patents (if software patents are allowed in the particular jurisdiction).

If you just inspect the binary and reimplement the program (or pieces thereof) verbatim elsewhere, that would be illegal under copyright law.
What's usually done to get around that is clean-room engineering, where one engineer or team of engineers does the reverse engineering and writes a technical document about their findings, taking care to stay at a sufficiently high level. For example in the case of Photoshop the reverse engineer may try to find the algorithm for a specific image transformation, and then describe the algorithm abstractly.
Then a different team takes that document and implements the requirements described in it. It's important to avoid contamination that none of these engineers has ever been exposed to any code by the original developer (in this example, Adobe).

Clean room engineering isn't fool-proof, however. Going back to the previous example, if the algorithm behind that image transformation is patented, to use it you will still need to pay a license to use it. Although if it's patented you wasted resources by reverse engineering it, because the algorithm should be described in the patent application.
closed account (367kGNh0)
look into GIMP or Krita

I use gimp, just interested is all
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