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Episodical post (2) A empathy triggering backstory of the un-arrested people of the earth

closed account (367kGNh0)
In Episodical post (1), a few of you said some types of people you disliked, in this post I ask you the question, how negative would a backstory of that kind of person have to be to reach such an extent that you can atleast look at them without any form of dislike. Here are the people

Satan: "People who propogate addictions like drug addiction are the most worthy of being behind bars."

JLBorges: "people on the forum who are rude to newbies;
even when they fondly believe that such rudeness is eminently justified."

Grime: "people who emotionally damage somebody intentionally and get away with it. More extreme cases of bullying."

Grey Wolf: "Mime artists" "People that lie about their age to talk privately to children"

Ganado: "People with gray cars that don't put their headlights on when it's overcast outside"

Example based on my dear loan sharks.

If a loan shark, prior to their career, left a bankrupt business, I would have some understanding

PS: coincidentally the names are in z-a order
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Your background might reduce how guilty you are, but it doesn't change the fact that you're guilty. But if you have a good cause for doing something then that's a different story. It's wrong but it can be justified to an extent.

If you emotionally damage somebody intentionally, it must be the reaction and not the action for it to be justified. If you're doing it for fun then it's not justified. It's quite normal that if you sucker punch a random person on the street that you should expect something back from them.

What I have said is for my chosen person. Some things are pure wrong and can never be justified.
closed account (367kGNh0)
What I have said is for my chosen person. Some things are pure wrong and can never be justified.

So you would never have empathy for them? No matter how tragic an origin
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Do you mean empathy or sympathy? Sympathy means to view things from another's perspective, while empathy means to feel what someone (or something) else is feeling.

Personally, just feeling empathetic towards someone doesn't by itself excuse anything that they do. "I'm sorry that your dog died last week, he was a real sweetheart. But will you stop stealing my electricity?"
closed account (367kGNh0)
just feeling empathetic towards someone doesn't by itself excuse anything that they do. "I'm sorry that your dog died last week, he was a real sweetheart. But will you stop stealing my electricity?"

I didn't convey this. If that happened I would advise them, maybe even help them. I will not like their actions, but I will care for them as beings
If the guy rude to the noob on the forum had just gotten a divorce, lost his job, and got beat up in an alleyway, I don't think I'd have any hatred for him being rude to a newbie.
closed account (367kGNh0)
If the guy rude to the noob on the forum had just gotten a divorce, lost his job, and got beat up in an alleyway, I don't think I'd have any hatred for him being rude to a newbie.

Ah, of course. The more serious the action of the victim, the more tragic there backstory needs to be. With the exception of SAW guy, behold a series of jokes:

"I stubbed my toe on the couch, at this moment I knew, most people do not appreciate life"

"I got a U on the spelling bee, at this moment I knew, rehabilitation is needed"

"I cut my finger preparing fish sticks, at this moment I knew, those who do not appreciate life do not deserve it"

"The vending machine didn't dispense my drink on the first go, at this moment I knew, the drink chooses who lives and dies, and therefore must have the decision, made. for. it."

Funny imagining these in the actual movie

*Enters code into the vending machine
coil turns but the drink stays
knocks machine but it is no use
puts in another note
get drink, camera pans directly infront of him, so his face is hidden by the up-lifted can
supense music plays while he sips
he lowers the can and instead of his face being revealed, the can lowers to reveal the can strapped to a seat, behind a turning coil that'd impale it fully*
It's like the interpretation of Hitler in Preacher, where the character decided to exterminate the Jews when a Jewish man got the last piece of cake at a cafe, just before he could order it.
closed account (367kGNh0)
It's like the interpretation of Hitler in Preacher, where the character decided to exterminate the Jews when a Jewish man got the last piece of cake at a cafe, just before he could order it.

What is?
Those examples you said. "Stubbed my toe => become a serial killer". "Slightly inconvenienced by a Jew => Enact a genocide campaign across Europe".
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Those examples you said. "Stubbed my toe => become a serial killer". "Slightly inconvenienced by a Jew => Enact a genocide campaign across Europe".

Oh I see. It's also theorized he became a radical person because of the aggression that may have built up in him after being rejected by several Austrian teaching places. I personally like his paintings https://www.google.com/search?q=hitler+paintings&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqhfv4xsLhAhVLsKQKHYbwBroQ_AUIDigB&biw=1536&bih=751#imgrc=_
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