Status is almost everything in society. Your position at work, your working stage and several more depending on context. However, some positions are not as easy to obtain, as they're the more exclusive, valuable and therefore, more worthy of impact on society. These are the positions of power. But despite the many filters we may push the applicants through, at times those who lack intellect, if not empathy, are granted the position. So I ask, is this position (president, prime minister, and others)being handed to the wrong people too often? And more importantly, can it really negatively impact you?
Hmm, maybe his quotes can shed some light, heres some quotes. (not expressing my opinion)
"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."
(on Mexico)
"They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
(on the fact America water boards terrorists)
"When you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn't sound very severe."
"I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody's ever been more successful than me. I'm the most successful person ever to run. Ross Perot isn't successful like me. Romney - I have a Gucci store that's worth more than Romney."
My biggest problem with 'The Government'* is tribalism...but then I have a problem with tribalism in general life so it comes as no surprise. The whole system seems to be setup to ignore large parts of the country...and then you get something that is a non-partisan issue that paralyses everything.
* not just the executive - UK the Government is the executive, Parliament is the whole shooting match.
Speaking of the Government, How much do you miss childhood in terms of being oblivious to the whole political world? Much of a difference from awareness and oblivity?
I got more into politics (following what is going on) when I found there is more to it than Labour or Conservative. I enjoy it...apart from the arguing...more now that I did when I was young.
Talking politics is as tricky as talking religion, arguable more tricky. I know I slag off Trump but I've hated him since before he ran for office and it has nothing to do with politics.
You can be assured that reporting is not me, I only report spam to delete it. If I have a problem with anyone, I let them know...and I'm generally easy going. :0)
Power is given and taken based on a lot of factors. Intelligence, competence, and empathy are usually not the deciding factors. Trump made promises, was charismatic in a way, and seemed like a guy people could relate to - wanting to get things done. Whether good or bad, intelligent, competent, etc., you can only know once they're in power.
I'm not very political. I know generally of what happens in the world, but I don't care much. I also don't vote. I always see myself as a small part of history, a little flake in the huge time stream that has passed, is passing, and has yet to pass. As you said before, compared to the universe, we're nothing really, so I find it hard to get worked up about these affairs where an individual's influence is nothing. My vote doesn't change anything, who gets elected wont change what I have to do everyday, and if the U.S. failed, it wouldn't have been something I could have stopped through political participation or voting.
It's true, in reality if one stepped out of voting NOTHING WOULD CHANGE.
As you said before, compared to the universe, we're nothing really
It's true I said that but you may have taken it out of context :) I said it in response to a poster labelling me as inferior (fairly rude and impactful of him actually). If the earth's entire longevity was reduced to 24 hours, we would have been here for only 3 seconds. But the rest of the universe isn't too relevant, we live and impact an Earth millions of times larger than YOU. It's enough to saddle ourselves with. My point is, the cumbersome size of the universe is nothing to get us down at all.
The above post again shows the trollish behavior of Rascake.
Makes a post, gets a reaction, and then edits the post to say something completely different.
Rascake wrote:
You respond with that which portrays lack of observation.
I responded with a joke...get over it. :0P
"To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."
-- Confucius
As usual, you respond with an air of faux superiority and lack of requisite knowledge, and express it as a personal attack and a mandate to shut up.
zapshe’s commentary wasn’t actually nihilistic, which is a dark and destructive philosophy. It was rather defeatist, yes, but the crack about nihilsm was a joke. See, GW even put a little smiley face there at the end...
So, how about this: Back the hell off with your regular personal attacks and I’ll play nice too. Okay?
As usual, you respond with an air of faux superiority and lack of requisite knowledge, and express it as a personal attack and a mandate to shut up.
zapshe’s commentary wasn’t actually nihilistic, which is a dark and destructive philosophy. It was rather defeatist, yes, but the crack about nihilsm was a joke. See, GW even put a little smiley face there at the end...
So, how about this: Back the hell off with your regular personal attacks and I’ll play nice too. Okay?