Hello, I am new here but I have visited this site multiple times in the past couple of years and I remember finding the articles and tutorials here very informative!
I have completed college last month and I am graduating soon. My GPA is 3.5/4.0 which isn't all too bad. Sadly, I do not have any professional work experience that is relevant to software development so I figured I could showcase my GPA along with some personal projects I made in my spare time and some other work I did during uni as part of a team on my CV and hopefully this'll get me an entry-level position somewhere. I've been able to discover so many opportunities abroad which suits my skill set and experience. Though, I was wondering, do you normally convert your GPA to, say, German if you're applying to a German company? Or do you assume they already have an understanding of American grading scale and leave it as is? And if I do convert it, should I explicitly state that it has been converted like this?:
GPA (in German): --/-- OR GPA: --/--
Thank you and I appreciate all your help, have a nice day!
Just saying, I could be wrong, but I'm doubtful that any of the big users here are native German or know German culture very well. But maybe there is someone and they'll reply. The issue isn't just getting someone German to respond, but it has to be someone German that has experience in hiring relations with non-German schools.
There are probably better forums for this, some career-related forum, not necessarily having to be Computer Science/Programming, could be some Engineering forum. But I don't really know of any... maybe there's something one could find through a search engine?
Do you have a particular company in Germany you are looking at? Contact the HR department and ask them your question as well as finding out what other qualifications an applicant might need.
I was wondering, do you normally convert your GPA to, say, German if you're applying to a German company?
Or do you assume they already have an understanding of American grading scale and leave it as is?
No. Do not assume that they will do anything for you.
And if I do convert it, should I explicitly state that it has been converted like this?
If this is necessary for anything...
So make it as easy as possible for the employer. When a recruiter skims through the applications and he finds a problematic point, it will be more likely that you land on the "forget it" stack...