Watching stuff install...

Pages: 12
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
v 272.89 Mbps, ^ 16.86 Mbps here.
Heh, you win.

I have actually got “high speed internet”, but I am getting throttled because I live in the middle of the desert, and there aren’t enough of us out here to care about dropped connections and once a week power outages.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I am at the end of the local distribution node; closer to the local hub and people have even faster 'net speeds. The 'net provider keeps upgrading everyone around me it seems. :(

I remember 300 baud, so I can't complain too loudly with what I have. ;)
closed account (z05DSL3A)
If I want to pay for it, I can go to an ISP with 362 Mbps / 21 Mbps but I don't really seem to need it. My current ISP/link is rock solid, unlimited, and not shaped or throttled.

I remember 300 baud, so I can't complain too loudly with what I have. ;)

Oh the scream of a dial-up modem, I remember it well.

closed account (z05DSL3A)
MikeStgt is talking about one of your posts...

Just in case you hadn't noticed.
BWAH hah hah hah!
Downloaded. Now installing... package 84 of 404...
#include <iostream>

int main()
  std::cout << "Hello world!\n";
C:\Users\Michael\foo> a.exe
Heh, ICU time!

C:\Users\Michael\foo> _

closed account (E0p9LyTq)
"It's ALIVE!"
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Pages: 12