Hey all, I've started a new tutorial series on Youtube about SDL2 and I need some opinions/guidance.
So, within the month I hope to revisit these and try to make a fresh run-through that goes smoother. I'm aware of the typing errors since they pop up almost immediately when I try to compile. I'm more interested on whether I'm on the right track with these vids.
- Do I have enough information each video? - and is that info accurate?
- Do I present the information in a watchable manner?
- Do you feel like there was a set learning goal each video that was met?
- By the end of the video did you feel like progress on your end was made?
-> And was all the above worth the time it took to watch?
Here's the main playlist.
I'll make a quick list of the available videos that I have:
1. Installing SDL2 - Basically just skip this video, It is only useful if you have a linux system using DNF as your installation manager.
2. Opening the Window SDL2 - Useful introduction to SDL2, otherwise very easy to skip. The code is reused as a window template in the next video and is viewable from there.
3. Drawing an Item SDL2 - While all that really gets drawn to the screen is a moving rectangle, what we've really set up is the beginning of a framework which we will be adding bit by bit to as the series progresses.
4. Animation - We jump right into drawing an animation. We check out one or two resources online, do a quick check of copyrights on one of them, and snag it to create Bob, the dancing dog. Thank you Nemezees for your creation. We don't quite set up an animation class in the item framework, but that is in the works for an upcoming video.
5. Hardware Acceleration - We change up how items are drawn to the screen. In this episode we adapt the item class to utilize hardware rendering which puts drawing of objects into the graphics card rather than bogging down the CPU. One of my shortest episodes thanks to the advice of poteto below.
6. Moving the Animation - We move our animation into the framework, it inherits from the base class and gains the ability to move around with the move command. We set main up so that the arrow keys can be used to move Bob like he's a character.
7. Create A Plugin System - This one I'm excited about. In the video we create a plugin which is a test object which inherits from our base item class. We set up main to load this library at run-time and call functions from within that class. A future episode is planned in which the program will search a local folder called plugins, check that the plugins have the correct interface, and automatically loads them into itself all without human intervention. (Just add features/levels/enemies to your program by dumping a .dll or .so file in the plugin folder) - That's going to be awesome!