Hello world :D

Hello guys,
newbie here. I want to learn c++ for many reasons. Reason number 1 is the rich OpenCV library for computer vision, a field I want to specialize. I have been told that c++ is hard to learn so I want to ask c++ veterans if it's worth learning not only for computer vision but for general purpose too.

Bachelor in physics with intermediate knowledge in python.
You have been told wrong.

C++ is not hard to learn.

It is about as difficult as any other programming language. Harder than Basic, maybe. Easier than APL. But not hard.

What will eat your time is the size of the language. C++ is very expansive, permitting a lot of different programming methodologies. A current favorite is template metaprogramming, which you can waste hours and hours of your life over. (For, IMHO, decreasing returns.)

The best way to get started is to jump right in. Find a simple OpenCV project, follow the “Hello world!” examples, and start spending time learning how to do the kinds of things you need to do to make stuff happen.

Frankly, most of your time will be spent learning OpenCV, once you get past the hurdle of basic C++ syntax and compiling a program into an executable.

Welcome aboard!
closed account (z05DSL3A)
How do and welcome.

Is it hard to learn? I personally don't think the basics of C++ are hard to learn. Even going beyond the basics are fairly straight forward. The best thing to do is not run at it, take it easy make sure you have the basics down before moving on to the next level.

Is it worth learning for general purpose too? Yes...but I'm biased.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I have been told that c++ is hard

Look at the tutorial here at cplusplus

or Learn C++

You decide if learning C++ is hard or not.
Thank you all guys. :)
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
I want to ask c++ veterans if it's worth learning

You realize you are not likely to get an unbiased opinion here, a forum devoted to C++ programming.
You realize you are not likely to get an unbiased opinion here, a forum devoted to C++ programming.

I know I have to learn c++ for a lot of reasons. One because of the rich OpenCV library. Second, I want o to be proficient in an object-oriented language such as c++ so i want a motivational biased opinion. lol.
But thanks
Heh, actually, I don’t much care for C++. I like its object model, and more recent versions of the Standard Library and Boost libraries are pretty sweet.

I do think my opinion on learning it is fair though, having studied and used more programming languages than I can count on all my digits combined.

Alas, C and C++ are the languages that make the world go around. Even when you start programming some device, like Kindles, that wants everything in Java, the underlying system is written in... C. (And C++.) With Java layered on top. Like a chocolate fudge brownie volcano cake with ice cream. (Sickeningly sweet, and also something you cannot escape.)
good morning.
fyi, opencv has a python api.

std::vector<int> a, b;
b = a; //this copy (duplicates) all the elements from `a' to `b'
//a[j] and b[j] has the same value, but they are different objects
b[42] = 13; //a[42] is not touched

//still c++
cv::Mat a, b;
b = a; //this simply make `b' to reference the same elements than `a'
b.at<int>(42) = 13; //now a[42] is also 13 
cv::Mat works like you would expect it in python, if you want to duplicate the value you need to perform a .clone() operation
that was a source of bugs when I started with opencv, if you do want a copy, .clone() it.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
why do the newer people always have less formal names (NO OFFENSE! its just the word "boy" with an "i" in your name) last time i saw a guy called something with a childish word
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You are judging the name from a different cultural context.

Even in the predominantly-English speaking world, words like “boy” and “girl” are extremely context-sensitive.

For example, Boyz II Men is a very popular boy band (even though all the artists are now adults).

Before I married her, my wife was my girlfriend, but she was definitely not a child, or childish.

Point is, the contextual attribute of “childish” is just that: contextual.

Dang, little boys playing on my grass again. GET OF MY LAWN!

why do the newer people always have less formal names (NO OFFENSE! its just the word "boy" with an "i" in your name) last time i saw a guy called something with a childish word

Was your first ever tag Rascake?

Mine was coolboy"birthday year". LOL. By the way, the more random name you have, the more likely you're able to use the same tag in multiple places. If you chose something like "Grime", chances are that this name is probably taken in a lot of places that you would want to use in the future. Would that make it more professional to have numbers after your name then? I'll leave that for you to decide. ;)
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
why do the newer people always have less formal names

I'd bet that my nick gives people fits, because they don't know where it comes from.

Loosely rendered from a badly mangled transliteration of a Japanese phrase: "Furyo Gaijin."

I spent several years in Japan and a couple of Japanese friends thought I looked like a foreign (non-Japanese) mafia criminal.
closed account (367kGNh0)
What a coincidence, I'm taking my first main step into become a japanese speaker today

I spent several years in Japan and a couple of Japanese friends thought I looked like a foreign (non-Japanese) mafia criminal.

Loosely rendered from a badly mangled transliteration of a Japanese phrase: "Furyo Gaijin."

wow, that's a relief, actual Furries are horrible
You know, that never crossed my mind with FurryGuy’s username...
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Most people have no clue about the origin of my nick, Duthomhas. :)

Furyo Gaijin (or FuryoGaijin) had too many people shortening it to Fury. Which is ain't.

Fur-yo Gai-jin. Became.....

Furry Old Guy Jeans -> FurryOldGuyJeans.

Which became FurryGuy.

And now you know "The Rest Of The Story." :D
...which is a lot better than some guy dressed as a bear trying to get it on with some girl dressed like a rabbit.
closed account (367kGNh0)
...which is a lot better than some guy dressed as a bear trying to get it on with some girl dressed like a rabbit.

you can say that again
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
I prefer sheep clothing...Bo Peep, Bo Peep, where are you Bo Peep?
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closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Whoa, a wolf in a sheep's skin. Like that's something never heard of before.
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